Category: Letters From Dan
Researching Competition
I just thought of this this morning. How can you find out who is in your niche, what they’re doing and stay on top of that – without a lot of work? I’ve got three great ways to help you not only master that, but even automate it.
Best Business Books Ever
I went to the book signing/book tour Scott Stratten was doing for Unmarketing this week. And then I read a blog post about the best business books ever. And then on top of that I go to a Geek Breakfast every few weeks where everyone seems to be reading new, awesome books. Where does everyone…
ROI on Conference Calls
So if you don’t have a way to have multi-line conference calls, get yourself a free account at (Well there are dozens, so pick one). Now that you have that done, you’ve got a way to record your phone calls – which is very, very handy. If the local paper wants to interview you…
Getting Testimonials
Testimonials and reviews are worth their weight in gold if you can get them. The hard part is getting them. Customers always say they’d be willing to, but how often do they actually do it? And almost more importantly, are they leaving them in the spots that matter? It used to be nice to hang the written kind on…
Cross Reference Everything
I got a great e-mail from a client in the financial industry today. It had nothing to do with finances but is a tremendous example of what you should be doing in your marketing efforts. What made me so excited is that he put this “awesomeness” in his “signature” so that it automatically appears in…
Keywords for my client
Every single job we do for clients starts with the this question: “how does the client make money?” Without FULLY understanding how you make money or how you want to make money, you’ll never know where to start with keywords or any type of optimization. In the case of our tutoring client, they help everyone…
Most Important Thing about Events
So I’m talking about doing events today. . . There is no bigger waste of time than putting something big together, having it succeed and then helping to clean up with nary a plan in place to follow-up with the attendees. If you’re going to put together a Tupperware Party, Weekend Retreat, Grand Opening, or…
NAMS Lessons
Most of the takeaways I took from the NAMS Conference were at Jeff and Martiza’s seminars, mostly because I was busy with my own seminars and didn’t get a chance to get to too many others. So here’s what I got:
Gmail, Anchor Text and More
This past week we had a MeetUp Group Meeting and I met with two website owners looking to improve their business: First we spoke about the power of Gmail. Gmail is Google’s e-mail client, like Hotmail or AOL or earthlink. But Gmail offers a few things the others do not. I consider Gmail to be…
Virtual Assistants and Article Marketing
This week I was able to meet with 3 different groups for lunch. It was a pretty good week for me because I think I took more notes than I gave. I love learning new, cool stuff.In no particular order, we talked about these things: PixelPipe, Onlywire, and TubeMogul are syndication websites. That means they’ll send…