Should You Manually Add Emails?


So this week I was asked “how do you get people who give you their email address at a live event, how do you get them onto your list?”

Let’s start with the reason that you’re speaking. What is that reason? If the reason is to move your BUSINESS forward, then we have room to talk.

If it’s for any other reason (like ego or for fun) then the answer to your question is to click on the email subscription button on your website and input their email address into that form. To make sure they click the subscription button, make sure the “verification email” they will get says “Thanks for coming to the presentation today” and then “please click here to start getting coupons and deals”. And hope for the best. :) (more…)

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Forget This and You’ll Get Hacked

yay-1273024I’ve got an extremely important message for you today. I need you to know this in your heart so it never happens to you.
I got hacked this week making all my sites, including my clients’ sites go down and appear as having a virus. Very very bad.
But I could have avoided it, had I really thought about this.
Here’s what you need to know and do:
Ever buy a domain name, start setting up a site and then get distracted?Or you had a good idea but then you just didn’t do anything with it?
Then the year rolls around and that domain comes up for renewal and you just let it drop thinking. “That was a good idea at the time, I guess”.Well, I did that several times. And never thought anything about it again until today. Today is when doing that cost me my entire network.  (more…)

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Easy Authority Ideas

1040195_star_srb_2So your goal is to become the authority in your niche, I suppose. If that’s not your goal – I can only assume you’re running a lottery or counting on first time sales from ads. If you’re doing that and are rocking it – we’d love to hear your secrets. :)

Otherwise. . .

This is going to seem a bit counter intuitive to your current thought process – but this is straight Freud here.

The first thing you want to do, to be seen as an authority right away with your audience, is tell them something they already know. It sounds dumb – but when your thoughts are validated by someone else – trust naturally begins. So go ahead and tell them to put their pants on before their shoes – but tell them why that’s important while you’re doing it. (more…)

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Make Products Guaranteed to Sell


So there’s a great way to make your own products without worrying about whether they’re going to sell or not.  In fact you could say there is a 100% foolproof way to figure out what your audience will buy.

The first thing you need to know is that people don’t buy products – they buy labels, titles and headlines. In fact, most people don’t look through the Table of Contents on Amazon before they buy the book.

They base their purchase on referral and the title. (more…)

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