Scott Stratten: The Humanity of UnMarketing
Tonite I got a chance to hear an accomplished, best selling author speak to us "social media folks" in Nashville. Scott Stratten, the author, owner and thinker of the ideas…
Tonite I got a chance to hear an accomplished, best selling author speak to us "social media folks" in Nashville. Scott Stratten, the author, owner and thinker of the ideas…
When I meet with potential clients for the first time, they often ask how to get customers to their website. I've come to realize it's just not common knowledge for…
You know what's interesting about a career in internet marketing? I don't know anyone who is doing it and is unemployed. Nope, not a single person. You may have to…
So Darren and I are putting together a video series called 10 Minute Traffic Tips. You could ask why I suppose, but I don't think the answer is very sexy.…
Friday of NAMS 4 was a great day, perhaps the best first day of a NAMS Conference (Niche Affiliate Marketing System). I believe the bugs that were present during NAMS 1…
This week I had coffee with a friend, Jason Elkins. He's doing a program he calls 100 cups of coffee in 100 days". While his program is a relationship building…
I gotta tell ya, this blog comment magnet is the coolest tool I've seen in a long time. There are a lot of tools out there, and some of them…
This is it. You've come to the right place. The NAMS 6 Action Guide is complete.
Tonite I went to a Darryl Worley concert - for free. In fact, when my wife told me this morning that we had to go to the kids' Vacation Bible…
I look forward to the day that I have to come up with a logo like David Perdew is doing with his NAMS logo contest. That makes me think of…