Category: Analyze your own Site

  • Tracking: A Key To Success

    Yet another factor that is critical to any businesses online (or offline for that matter) success is tracking. You really need to keep track of where your leads and traffic come from so you can replicate and scale any success you have. To be really effective, tracking should be a big part of every business…

  • The About Me Section

    I got asked today what a person should write in the About Me section of their site. Interesting to me that this question was asked. First of all you have to decide WHY you want a section called About Me. What is the point of that page on your site? If you answer “because everyone…

  • Website Conversions

    I got a chance to chat with Sue Painter ( recently about increasing web conversions.It was a great conversation – to which much was discussed. And before I get any further you should know that you can listen to that recording here: But let me get to the meat of it. The bottom line is…

  • Website Design Success Factors

    This week a local business asked me some questions about changing their site to add some “popular” features. This was my reply: “Lots of sites have lots of cool features, but that doesn’t mean those features are going to help you make money. Just because lots of sites do it isn’t a good reason. It’s…

  • The 2nd Set of Eyes

      I got an unbelievable testimonial yesterday. I reviewed a business plan for a friend because it really just sounded fun. Plus after meeting with small business after small business, I’ve learned that not everyone thinks the way I do. Here’s what he sent: “Dan – I was only expecting a one or two sentence…

  • Why business tracking tools are important

    Business tracking tools are everywhere, but most businesses are not using them. Tracking phone numbers if you place ads in newspapers, tracking the open rate of your e-mails, tracking sales to customer contacts. . . .How do you know where to put your money if you don’t know what’s really working? Some businesses rely on…