Marketing Checklist

banner-retargeting-marketing-strategyHow do you know if your marketing makes sense. Here’s a simple checklist for you:

1. Tracking. No matter what it is, whether it is a guest blog post, a yellow page ad, a billboard or web banner make sure there is some form of tracking so we can tell at the end of the year what worked and what didn’t. Whether that’s trackable phone numbers, trackable url’s,, it doesn’t matter. Just be able to track it. (more…)

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obamaI was told this week that “Hey” was the most successful subject line used in the Obama campaign.

The one that always gets me to open is “Got time for dinner this week?” As long as the guy is seriously saying let’s go to dinner, I’m totally fine opening those. I’d be upset if a marketer used that to get me to open an email about autoresponders.

Are you testing your subject lines? Did you know that in most email clients you can send a second email to the people who didn’t open the first? That means you could test your subject line.

I know in MyEmma (an email service like Constant Contact), they rolled our subject line testing this week. I love that!

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Your Three Favorite Webinars

yay-4082989First of all I have no idea if these are actually your favorite webinars. . . but I can tell you they get the most views and spawn the most thank you’s and follow-up emails.

I too think they are the 3 of the best webinars from our Wednesday webinar series.

What makes them great?

1. Getting Sponsored to Attend Events (even if they’re your own events). I think this was the most exciting. Shannon gets paid to go to events. Sometimes she makes $8,000 to $9,000 to attend one event. She event got Sponsors to help pay for her recent home flooding! Crazy stuff! (more…)

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How to Review Your Website

yay-7238952I’ve been doing $499 website reviews for a while now and thought I’d share with you how we do those.
I break them down into 7 sections right off the bat. I look at SEO, List Building, Monetization, Internal link structure, Voice, Funnel and Social Media integration.
Let’s start with SEO. First I got to Google and type in:

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Don’t Start That


Have you met my folks? They run and they’re not even Geeks. My dad didn’t have any real internet or marketing expertise before starting it. And my mom, well we call her “smartest +1”. . .

Anyway, they built this great business that generates revenue from organic traffic clicking online Adsense ads. They also have a couple ebooks, some direct advertisers and some list building.

What they don’t have are dates or ties that really bind them to their site. They don’t have clients, deadlines, membership programs, forums, speaking engagements or really anything that ties them down every week. (more…)

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