Category: The Power of Email
Moving your e-mail database
I spoke about moving your e-mail database on CinchCast this morning. I thought it might be fun to marry what I do here with what I do there. Take a listen!
Signature Line Power
Did you know that the signature line has power? If you use Outlook or something like that I’m sure your signature line has your name, title, phone, fax (ha!) and extension number in it. But that’s not dynamic, or interesting or valuable. Actually, it’s probably quite valuable. In business emails I love it when the…
Should You Manually Add Emails?
So this week I was asked “how do you get people who give you their email address at a live event, how do you get them onto your list?” Let’s start with the reason that you’re speaking. What is that reason? If the reason is to move your BUSINESS forward, then we have room to…
Moving People to Your List
It costs a lot of time and energy to get a customer. It might sound easy, but there’s a whole lot of steps between the time someone doesn’t know you exist to the point they’re buying something from you. If you don’t endeavor to “capture” information from each person – you’re relying on HOPE as…
Setting Up the Backend
One of the hard parts about marketing and subsequently building a database of your customers is the back-end. Even trying to market a single product can be difficult to do effectively, if you don’t have the back end in place. Once you’ve done the work necessary to acquire new customers, there’s no sense is spending…
Getting Email Addresses
Getting email addresses is a pretty important part of any business strategy. I mean, if you spent all that time reaching out to the customer in the first place – do you really want to do it again? So at our MeetUp this week, we spent the time talking about great ways to get email…
Red Hot Chili Peppers at Bonnaroo: Marketing Brilliance
I turned on YouTube the other night to catch the Red Hot Chili Peppers taking the stage at Bonnaroo. In fact, I turned it on a few minutes early and watched the stage hands finish up prepping the equipment. But what caught my eye and hopefully the eyes of millions of people watching around the…
How to Use a Free Report in your Marketing Efforts
“7 Ways to Avoid Getting Ripped Off by _________, just enter your name and e-mail for instant access”. That’s it, isn’t it? That’s how you’re building a database of names interested in your niche. And when the prospect exchanges their information for your information it’s game over. You won! Congratulations! But what is it you’re…