Category: Letters From Dan

  • The Case for a Housekeeper

    One common mistake small business owners make is failing to outsource what isn’t aligned with the goals of the family and the business. While that often means accounting, legal and things like fulfillment, it can also mean domestic duties. What I found most interesting at conferences I’ve attended lately is that talk of hiring a…

  • Accepting Guest Posts

    Anyone ever offer to write a guest post for you? I imagine you were either daunted by what to do or very excited that someone else provided content for you. Either way, I bet your first response wasn’t strategic. After creating a keyword theme map for a client this week, I was asked by the…

  • What Web Marketers Can Learn From Radio

    I’ve spent a lot of time learning about advertising on the radio. I understand ROI as well as MER (Media Efficiency Ratio). I understand the point of 30 minute long form ads verus :30 second spots and prime placement versus remnant space. These are all radio terms that help businesses get good at advertising on the radio.…

  • The Plunger Guy

    I came across a keyword string this week that was unbelievable. I mean I thought about giving up all the work I’m doing to pursue this niche. I’m talking about tons of keywords in this niche that had 1,000+ searches and virtually no competition. Just astounding. Two things stood in my way from tackling this…

  • Shazam and QR Code Marketing

    QR Code Marketing was just the beginning of what mobile marketing has to offer small businesses. Did you know that there is an audio version of QR Codes now as well? In fact Calvin Klein stores partnered up with the iPod app Shazam to play customized music in their stores. Customers would then get discounts…

  • Another Great NAMS Atlanta Event!

    So I got back from the NAMS event in Atlanta on Monday. (If you’re not familar, that’s an event  for people looking to increase revenue from their online efforts). Humbling as it is, I got to share the stage with Carrie Wilkerson, Susanne Meyers, and Jack Born among many others. Can you believe Elsom Eldridge,…

  • Domain Names: Hyphens or Underscores

    Matt Cutts finally decided to produce another post about using hyphens and underscores in domain names. It’s not often that he does – so I’m always grateful to see him update Google’s position. As you’ll see in this video, it’s still very clear that hyphenated domain names are not penalized over those without hyphens. I…

  • Internet Marketing in Nashville

    Internet Marketing in Nashville is just fantastic. Nashville may not be a tech mecca like New York City or home to SXSW like Austin, but businesses as a whole understand the need for internet marketing services – even if that means they’re just trying to bring the role in house. One of the things I…

  • 1st Steps in Setting up a Website

    I’ve got a friend whose about to get his website underway. He asked me what his first steps should be. Mind you his website name is his name, and he knows his niche. Also we set up WordPress on his domain, so we’re past that as well. Basically he wanted to know what the 1st…

  • Posies Cafe Groupon Problem

    Today I was forwarded an article about the Posies Cafe Groupon Problem. Their blog post examined the effect their Groupon decision made to their bottom line. The story is quite sad, I must say but certainly a learning moment for the cafe folks. I can’t get a good feel for what Jessie, the owner of…