Category: Letters From Dan
Savvy Blogging Summit “Take-aways”
The Savvy Blogging Summit was a journey into a parallel world. I walk away wondering how the world of niche internet marketing, its rules, guidelines, lessons and monetization are so vastly different than the world of professional bloggers. How can I spend an equal amount of time on the internet, building websites, writing content and…
The #SavvyBlogging Summit Rocks
The Savvy Blogging Summit crew really knows how to impress. My “ideas” file from this event is already 15 pages deep and I’ve only been here two hours. Everything from the name tags to the e-mails to the registration table is top notch. And to top it off, I was surprised to hear that they…
TEDx Nashville – Greg Stielstra
On April 9, 2011 TEDx Nashville took place at Tennessee’s Performing Arts Center (TPAC). It was a day filled with great folks, great speeches and equally wonderful speakers. My favorite, by far, was given by Greg Stielstra. Greg authored the book PyroMarketing, which I highly recommend for anyone interested in marketing. Greg covered a variety…
Matt Cutts: Google’s Public Face
Ever heard of Matt Cutts? I’m guessing that if you’re not in the internet search community, you probably haven’t. (Unless you know his mother or something like that). Well, Matt works at Google. He’s the guy that Google puts in front of the cameras when there’s something to be said about their Search Engine. He’s…
Niches Come out at the Royal Wedding
Check out today’s Cinchcast. I was watching some of the pre-Royal Wedding coverage and noticed that niche marketers really did well. The proof is in the pudding – choosing a niche can get you on TV. Take a listen:
Turning Social Media into a Business Resource
Wow! I came across this social media idea after seeing the YouTube Channel of And once I saw it the flood gates opened – this is the kind of stuff that separates the rookies from the pros. I’ve told you time and time again, don’t ask people to “Follow you on Twitter” or “Follow…
Start-ups and Social Media?
Is social media appropriate for start-ups or small businesses? For that matter, is it appropriate for everyone? I would argue that not every business can make successful use of today’s social media tools. Some businesses just aren’t ready, others don’t have the manpower required and others have clients who prefer to remain “anonymous”. Social media…
Foursquare Badges: A Nashville Guide
I regularly get asked about my Nashville Foursquare badges. Since there are tons of Foursquare badges available to people in NY, Miami, and Chicago, many people think there aren’t many for us to get. Well, it just so happens there are at least 70 you can get without leaving Nashville. So here is my Nashville…
Local Business: Beware of Today’s 7 yr olds
My 7 year old, who is in the beginning stages or learning to read, seems to be able to use the computer and the internet without a problem. Whether it’s images on Google or online video games, his inability to read well hasn’t slowed him down. Nevertheless, he knows how to sound things out and…
Marketing to non-customers
No matter how many small businesses we meet with, not everyone will use our services. Some companies really just want the DIY Internet Marketing tools. Others want to hire us but really have a hard time expending any money whether it be marketing dollars or cash register receipt tape. It’s these companies that we’ve decided…