Category: Video and Image Marketing
Creating a Pinterest Campaign
After learning how to pin pages without images, we realized that an entire campaign could be built on Pinterest – not previously imagined. Users of our Marketing Calendar Blueprint product know that the marketing of a campaign is only part of the overall business marketing calendar. Determining when that campaign should start and stop, integrating…
How to Monetize YouTube Videos
Everyone seems to ask how to monetize YouTube videos and it seems to me that most people are asking the wrong question. I think what people want to know is how do you derive income from posting YouTube videos. And the difference between those two questions is all the meat. In a previous post I…
Make Photos Go Viral on Pinterest
I thought it would be hard to figure out how to make photos go viral on Pinterest, but I was wrong. It’s fairly easy. I’m not about to tell you that this is the only way to make an image go viral, because you’ll surely be able to point to another way someone else made…
Video Marketing: It’s fun and easy!
Video marketing is fun and easy. I say it’s fun because rarely does anyone pay $10.50 at the theater to sit and read a magazine for two hours. Nope, people like video. Did you know that you don’t even need a video camera to start video marketing? I mean you don’t even have to rent…
Get your customers to market your small business with video
Video is powerful. Did you know that people watch more internet video these days than they do television? Did you know that Google indexed video as it does everything else and will place it on the first page of results ?Did you also know that 95% of people watch internet videos to the end? They…
Silly bands: A Lesson in Viral Videos
Silly bands are ridiculous. If you don’t have a kid under 10 years old, you might not know what these are. So, let me describe these silly bands. Picture a rubber band. Got it? It’s round and rubbery. Now, instead of round picture one in the shape of a giraffe. Thats it! That’s a silly…
Making Videos: A Fun Way to Drive Traffic
So my kids and I made a video at this weekend. When I told them about a contest I’d gotten via e-mail, they got excited to do it. So we took some photos, made a few videos with the Flip Video Camera and that’s about all the knowledge we really needed. There are several…