Category: Video and Image Marketing
Beyond Pinterest
So Pinterest is really hot these days. I seem to find more people talking about it than Facebook and Google Plus combined. Unlike Google Plus, however, people aren’t talking about Pinterest – they’re talking about the cool stuff they found there. Hmmm. . . cool stuff, eh? If people are finding cool stuff there, do…
Great Call to Action
Infomercials are just horrible aren’t they? It’s OK, you can agree. I’ve spent the last 6 years in the infomercial business and am quite aware of all the crappines. But I can tell you thing for sure – there is an equation that makes an infomercial successful. And little strategic tweaks can get you there every time. The most…
Video Marketing Tips
Recently on (which I invite you to join) we did an “impromptu” mastermind call all about video marketing ideas. I thought I’d recap what we spoke about here. In one of my previous Notes on video marketing we discussed Tubemogul, optimizing YouTube videos, repurposing videos and embeding them on your site. I’ll shy away from those…
Video, Video, Video
This week I chatted with a guy who’s made a bunch of videos for YouTube but didn’t know exactly how to use them: Let’s start with the optimization steps: 1. When loading videos up to YouTube, make sure you first save the video on your computer as “yourkeyword.mpeg” or whatever format it is in. 2.…
Monetize YouTube: External links in the video
YouTube gives you one more way to monetize videos now by allowing external annotation links in the video itself. If you read our previous post on different ways to monetize YouTube, you previously had to be a YouTube partner to get external links in the videos. This doesn’t take the place of using the annotations…
Pinterest: How to grow faster, get more repins, and win
So I’ve figured out a little something with Pinterest. It’s not rocket science and it isn’t going to blow you away, but I bet you’ve neglected it and I bet you’re going to be really happy to start doing it again. And this concept is the same for YouTube, Flickr, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr and any…
How to use the YouTube Editor
What’s the YouTube Editor about? Inside YouTube is a special editor that’s got a few more bells and whistles than the Video Manager. It offers free features like the ability to add text overlays, cut videos, add music and harvest creative commons material. In this video I show you how to harvest other people’s videos…
Strategically use testimonials
No one ever asks how to use testimonials. Instead most do it the way everyone else does it. They create a testimonials page and they hope you go read them. But is that the best way? Let’s establish some criteria to measure our use of testimonials. Has the use of testimonials in your marketing enabled…
Pinterest and your Marketing Matrix
What is a Marketing Matrix? Before you get too far into this Pinterest marketing article, I want to explain the kind of marketing matrix I promote. One of the hard things about marketing online is exposure and links. Building a quality marketing matrix makes that a bit easier. The idea is simple, find five people…
Pinterest for Local Businesses
I got this question via email today and thought it was probably a universal question: Question: How could I utilize this for my local lawn mower repair business or my local taxi business? Answer: Let’s break down the value of Pinterest to local businesses into two sections. First let’s discuss the SEO benefits, and 2nd…