Category: Tracing The Path

  • 10 Best History Podcasters

    There are not many ways to learn about the best History Podcasters. There are a few conferences like the Intelligent Speech Conference where you can meet some of them. And then Podcast Magazine features a few history podcasts each month, but that doesn’t mean they’d all be among the best history podcasters. So after years…

  • Steve Hartman Podcast – Stories from CBS Sunday Morning

    Yes, I started my podcast because I love Steve Hartman from the  CBS Sunday Morning program called “On The Road”.  As I mentioned in my earlier posts about Paul Harvey and Charles Osgood, these gentlemen tell stories in a narrated fashion that just draw you in. I think it’s the pacing and tone of Steve…

  • A Charles Osgood Inspired Podcast

    I loved, wait I still love them, Charles Osgood stories. Sunday Mornings were the best. I think Charles Osgood on Sunday mornings was better than cartoons on Saturdays to me. That’s why I started my podcast “Tracing the Path”. . .  I mentioned the other day that Paul Harvey was the reason but really, it…

  • A Paul Harvey inspired Podcast: Tracing the Path

    I used to listen to Paul Harvey in the car . . . his show was a bit like a podcast I’d say. I can say this, even if I was fully parked and late for a meeting I wouldn’t turn the car off until it was over. I just wanted to hear the end. …