Category: Letters From Dan
Don’t Take Notes At NAMS Like You’re Still In College
Guest Post By Susanne Myers Daily Affiliate Tasks Most of us learned how to take notes in high school and college. You write down the most important facts, dates etc. and then commit them to memory before the next test. The main focus is to listen and capture the most important points your professor or…
Podcamp Nashville: Untapped Local Resource
Podcamp Nashville is one of the largest Podcamp events nationwide, did you know that? As a local resource for social marketing and all things internet, it’s almost like the Internet Knowledge Superbowl here in town. There really isn’t anything bigger or better (unless you count its sister event, Barcamp Nashville). But have you heard of…
The 11.6 Hour Twitter Virus – Warning!
The 11.6 Hour Twitter virus is definitely something you want to avoid. If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s in a tweet that says “I have spent 11.6 hours on Twitter. How much have you? Find out here.” There’s a link in the message that leads to an application called “Time on Tweeter”. This app…
Foursquare: the Future of Marketing
As a marketer of small businesses, I started using Foursquare with the sole purpose of learning how others were going to use it and make it successful. I checked-in to every place I was, places I wasn’t, got every badge I could find and every Mayorship. I really wanted to see how business was going…
Do Fancy Business Names Have a Place?
Companies spend thousands of dollars on consultants in their quest to come up with product, service and company names. Here in Nashville there are names like Laser Quest, Cheddar’s, Nissan and Maggiano’s that probably were the result of months of talks, tests and money. But does the name itself create revenue for the company? Does…
Adding Value with Giant Marshmallows
My wife brought home giant marshmallows this past weekend. Seriously, they’re giant – the size of 4 marshmallows perhaps. When my kids saw those – all I heard from them for the next 2 days was “can we make s’mores?” I don’t know when marshmallows were invented, but for at least the last 25 years there’s…
It’s hard to connect content and marketing
Business schools just don’t understand the value of content in your marketing efforts. Rarely do I run across a business owner who truly appreciates the term “content”. And we’ve found even those who do, don’t have time to create it because “they’re too busy marketing and finding new customers”. The bottom line is this, if…
Laser Targeting Your Customers
This week, at my MeetUp group, to which the topic was “Laser Target Your Customers”, I met a guy who sells solar panels as a commissioned salesman. He’s really pretty inspiring being that he got the job so he could learn more about solar panels so he could create a better website. I found out…
Aileen Bennett – Using People is well worth the read
Aileen Bennett’s newest masterpiece, Using People, is in print. Now if you know Aileen you’ll understand the significance of “newest masterpiece” – because she pumps out spectacular speaking engagements, masterful PR campaigns and engaging social media exploits all the time. This go ’round, her genius is on paper. I should disclose that Aileen and I…
Piggyback Marketing: not just Reese’s Pieces in E.T.
Strangely, this week has been the week of piggyback marketing discussions. I have no idea why because I’ve spent little time on the subject in the past. But it has been tremendously appropriate this week. On Monday, I met with a gentlemen who is selling an incredibly useful and revenue producing service. But no one…