Category: Consumer Buying Process
People buy belief not benefits: Just ask Martin Luther King Jr.
A friend of mine sent me a link to this video. I gotta tell you this might be the single best video I’ve seen on the human condition. Straight from TEDx these insights go directly to what makes a good leader. I can’t say better than what’s said here:
Consumer Buying Process – Flow
Does your site have flow? I’m not talking about the Shopping Cart. I mean do you understand the typical consumer buying process for your product or service? Do you get it, can you recite it, can you prove it? Before we get to your website, let’s talk about something concrete that we both understand. Candy…
3 crazy ways to get customer feedback
Getting customer feedback is sometimes hard. People are busy, they forget, they don’t want to or they just don’t care enough to take the :30 seconds to do it. But it is oh so important to get customer feedback. Customer feedback makes me think of index cards on a bulletin board, doesn’t it? Or comment…
Using Customer Feedback to Make your Business Better
Using customer feedback is critical to your success. I recently wrote a guest blog post on about making sure you know what actions you’re going to take BEFORE you survey your audience. That kind of customer feedback can help you make changes and take action immediately. But there are more important reasons to be…
The Sales Pitch: Part of the Consumer Buying Process?
I once read a post on titled “Ditch the Pitch”, which made me wonder more about the role of the sales pitch in the consumer buying process? I wouldn’t ever advise getting rid of the pitch because the pitch generates the sale. But I would say the author makes some valid points about the…
Funny Door to Door Salesman on Youtube
Kenny Brooks is the funny door to door salesman that everyone is watching on YouTube. He says that 2 years of door to door sales is like a college education in sales communication. And that line probably does help him make sales . . . but . . . has he learned enough to be…
Consumer Buying Process Strategy
Creating a marketing plan that matches the consumer buying process strategy is crucial to the overall conversion rate of the campaign. And the key is understanding that marketing plans don’t have to be difficult – the framework itself can be very easy. In reviewing where we are on a client’s site, I detailed the basic…
Marketing small businesses is more than keywords
Internet marketing for small businesses is marketing. It’s not a separate category, or something special some companies do. The internet is part of our lives and with the advent of the iPad, it’s soon to become a larger part. I find it interesting that most of my “business” clients don’t really do much “marketing”. They…
Ladder of Value: Moving customers from $7 to $1,500
The Ladder of Value isn’t something you’re going to learn about in school. In fact, this may be the only time you’ll ever hear about it, but I guarantee that it will not only make sense to you – but will likely shift your thought process in your marketing efforts. The premise is simple. If…
Managing Customer Expectations and Your Business
I took the kids to Chicago this 4th of July to see the fireworks. Why wouldn’t I? The fireworks should be fun, full of magnificance (if that’s a word) and should awe you. That was my first mistake. For one – an 8 and 6 year old can be awed by a sparkler they hold…