Category: Common Marketing Mistakes

  • Have you asked?

    Is this you? You know what I’ve found to be common among my clients? They all want people to attend, watch or participate in the things they do. Sounds normal, doesn’t it? Well, it occurred to me while working with the local Chamber of Commerce that having that goal is not right. There’s something wrong…

  • Engagement on Facebook

    I recently met with a Realtor and spoke to them about their internet traffic. The conversation always comes back to Facebook for some reason. I don’t know if you know this, but  I’m not a fan of Facebook Fan Pages because they require the owners to be diligent, sociable and engaging. I’ve found few able…

  • What Klout interviewed me about

    Recently the folks at Klout asked me some questions about doing business online. Thought I’d turn it into a blog post. . . because that’s what I preach. 🙂 Klout: What common marketing mistakes should one avoid when forming an Internet marketing strategy? Why? Focusing on “Likes” “pins” “retweets” “+1’s” – – – – should not…

  • Bounce Rate Failure is a Myth

    I was over at Kyle Nelson’s blog reading about bounce rate today. I agreed with his clinical definition of bounce rate. But our opinions diverged there. I don’t agree that a high bounce rate is something that needs to be fixed. That’s painting with a broad brush and contributes to the myth of “bounce rate”…

  • Community Building Mistakes: Don’t make them ever.

    I got asked today if I’d made any mistakes in building my  FreeWeeklyMastermind community. The answer to that is yes.  Darren and I have definitely made mistakes.  I wouldn’t even say their obscure mistakes – but probably common marketing mistakes many people make. The first mistake we made was altering the schedule. I made the…

  • Should You Start Another Site?

    How many times have you gotten an idea and thought you should take what knowledge you’ve gained and start another site? If you’re like me and you continually renew domain names just because you have a good idea for them, you know what I’m talking about. So many ideas, so little time. The question is should…

  • Making Money the Wrong Way: Messaging Mistakes

    It’s possible to make money the wrong way. You would think that money that goes from my wallet to your wallet would be a good thing. But sometimes you need to make the tough decision to cut bait and start over. Let me give you an example. The TV infomercial world isn’t easy. You spend…

  • Awesome Commercial, but oops! a Marketing Mistake

    I went and saw a movie this weekend and was excited to see a Mayonnaise commercial featured before the previews even started.  Let me re-word that. . . I was excited to see what the Mayonnaise folks were doing in a commercial before the movie started. I can’t say I cared one way or the…

  • Pricing Mistake? Small Business Strategies

    No one wants to make a pricing mistake. Small business owners often have to order pricing labels so getting it right the first time seems crucial. Lately I’ve gotten some questions about how to price things, both products and services. Fortunately, yes I say fortunately, there are no rules. That holds true especially if you…

  • Survey Marketing Mistakes

      Make sure everything you do results in actionable information. One of the big survey marketing mistakes is asking questions no cares to know the answer. Honestly, I would love to stop that here. That alone is all you need to keep in mind moving forward. But a picture with color is so much easier…