Category: BC PR
Press Release Optimization
PR Optimization Segment #1: SEO In order for news to be effective, it must be discoverable by those who are interested. Optimizing your news so that it can be found in the search engines for strategic keywords provides a powerful way to reach highly targeted customers and influencers. Title Optimization: The most heavily weighted factor…
How to Get Speeches with Tom Landstreet
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Working with Better Homes and Gardens
Yesterday, at Go Blog Social in Kansas City, I was able to hear from the Better Homes and Gardens Social Media Team. Kaelin Zawilinsi was the closing keynote and shared with attendees Ten Insider Tips for Working with Magazines. These tips go beyond working just with print magazines but also expand into online digital magazines…
Media and Press Release Toolkit
Hey hey, Let’s talk all about PR and Press Releases. Not only does PR Rock! but the press is always looking for things to talk about, write about, do. REACH MEDIA PEOPLE So how do we get in front of news and media people. First we start by finding out who they are and…