Your SEO Questions Answered

Tonight we covered a lot of great questions from the Peanut Gallery like…

  • What does grilled cheese have to do with your SEO efforts?
  • Should you use categories and tags?
  • Something is wrong with my site… did I mess up my SEO?
  • How many words should my search optimized posts be?
  • Follow or no-follow links?
  • Will linking to other sites hurt my rankings?

Check it out, leave us a message with your questions and we’ll answer it in our upcoming podcast.


  1. Gareth Christopher Jones Avatar
    Gareth Christopher Jones

    Perhaps someone would be kind enough to advise me on the following –

    I’ve had my web site for about 3 years. I built it myself and did my own optimization and on the specialized searches I’m always on the first page. On the more generic searches however, I don’t seem to appear at all, at least not in the first 50 pages I’ve bothered to look through. The point I don’t understand is that for the very same searches on images I’m always near the top of the first page. Could someone please explain this massive disparity between the 2 search methods.

    Thank you


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