You Park Like an Idiot


In today’s episode we touch on the most important parts of a podcast show notes page, Melissa Reyes, Rey Brown, John Lee Dumas. All the tech, social media and blog headlines that Bloggers love, need and use everyday.

All the tech, social media and blog headlines that Bloggers love, need and use everyday.




Zack “Danger” Brown Jay Mohr
zack brown amplify
Mentioned Article:
Potato KickStarter Update

Kickstarter: The Potato Salad Campaign
Twitter: @ZTBrown
Facebook: Zach Danger Brown

Jay MohrMentioned Article:
Rey was on our mind because he came and spoke at Blogging Concentrated Dallas.

Blog: Jay Mohr
Twitter: @jaymohr37
Podcast: Jay Mohr Stories

[Tweet “A podcast is a podcast unless it rocks. Then it’s a show”]

Tom Hanks TypeWriter App

Twitter is showing favorites to followers

Stitcher has new player

Snapchat losing functionality

One in four neighborhoods

Truth App



[catlist name=Monetization numberposts=3]


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