You did it. Video Riser is now a completed mark in your path of awesomeness.

At this point you should be a YouTube warrior – ready to go, with your channel set, with a path to follow, and the fear of making videos only a distant memory. And now that you’re here, the master of video, what is your next course of action?

You can, of course, bask in the awesomeness of finishing Video Riser. And, of course, spread the word to your friends as you continue to now create fabulous video content that will make your blog, and it’s message, even stronger. But why stop there? Part of being the CEO is constantly moving forward, honing skills, and becoming more efficient at what you do.

You’ve got video down – so what about the rest of your site?

Have you ever looked at the behind the scenes of your website? Do you know if your message is consistent across all social platforms? Don’t let the awesomeness of your YouTube Channel stop here. We offer a complete website review – from site design, to analytics, to adsense and money making opportunities, to email marketing, to all the different social sites. We will look at it all, examine your message, point out areas where you rock, and uncover areas of growth – the spots where you can make more money, sharpen your message, and use your website at maximum potential.

Here’s the cool deal.

Our website reviews are normally $299, but for those of you who have completed the Video Riser program we’re offering it to you for the awesome deal of $227. You’ll get a complete, top to bottom review – with screen cap videos showing and sharing with you everything you need to know and offering you concrete suggestions and a solid action plan listing what to do next and why those steps matter.

So continue rising to the top. Learn what to do next.


 (And if you want the discount you’ll need to register through the link above)

And oh yes, we’ve done hundreds of reviews for our bloggers. If you’d like to read some of their thoughts and learn more about our website review process read here -> Blogging Concentrated Website Review