The January NAMS (Niche Affiliate Marketing System Workshop) – The Action Plan!

Are you going to the Niche Affiliate Marketing System Workshop in January? If not, then register right now and get the early bird special before the price shoots up.  (Here, Right here. . .)

Now that you’re going, let’s talk about how you’re going to get the most of the weekend. How do you get the most of anything? You have a plan in hand, that’s how. So let’s create that plan.

1st of all. . you’re going to meet a bunch of people so let’s put on the plan:

  • How Should I Leverage the People I Meet?
Niche Affiliate Marketing System

This is important because you’re going to be shoulder to shoulder with people who can help you AND people you can help. Maybe you could interview some of them for your site, maybe you could create a mastermind group with some of them. Some have regular BlogTalkRadio shows. Do you want to be a guest? What about a guest blogger? Is there something you’d like to feature on your site, but you’re not knowledgable enough? Write that down. Don’t just write down “get an interview with a presenter” – that’s not a plan. Figure out why you want to interview a presenter and make sure that’s what you talk about. If you have a garden site, maybe it would be nice to have a short video on landscaping techniques. Write that down and seek out “landscaping niche” people when you get there.

To give you a headstart, find out what the instructors specialize in before coming in January. Sure, keep tabs on the Twitter #NAMS hash tag search for other people attending but here’s a list to get you started:

(These are the people I believe are slated to be presenters, but there may be more, may be less, may be some different one as well. To see a list of the people who’ve attended NAMS events in the past go to

Next, you’re going to attend a bunch of educational sessions so let’s add:

  • Determine What I Need To Learn From Each Session

There will be a schedule. Read the schedule. If traffic building is a topic, write down what you’re doing now and what specific problems are occurring. If “how to create a product” is a topic and you have never even considered that, start thinking about what kind of product would be nice to focus on while you’re at the workshop. Going back to the gardening example, would your customers like “7 tips on planting roses?” If so, make a note of that so come workshop time you don’t spend time trying to figure out what you’re going to do. And so what if you don’t get it done. Once you learn how, you can do it anytime.

Next, there are traditionally two kinds of people that go to the NAMS events. The first kind are the people who have a website (or websites) and want to market them better. The second kind are the people who just want to learn more about internet marketing but don’t have anything yet. Either way the next bullet point is the same:

  • When I Return from NAMS, what knowledge will have made it all worth it?

That one is important because even if you learn 1,000 things while you’re there, it will bug you if you get back and still don’t know how to do “X”. So unless you write down what you’d like to learn, there’s a possibility you just won’t remember to ask. Seriously think this one through. “It’d be nice to know how to create pages on my blog. . .”It’d be nice to know how to submit an e-book to Amazon”. It doesn’t matter if it has anything to do with Niche Marketing. You’re going to be in the presence of people who’ve probably done what you’re wondering about. Don’t let that thought slip by.

And finally . . .

  • What physical products do I need?

This is an important one too because you can come home from the Niche Affiliate Marketing System Workshop with actual things. Videos, articles, interviews, business cards, appointments (and even movie making software if you go crazy trying to win it). What would be good to have? A completed e-book? Someone saying “check out” on video? Someone interviewing you for your site? An article written and published, a picture of you with Willie Crawford wearing a shirt that says “I love”..

Don’t register for NAMS and wait.


Create a plan.

And get ready for fun.



  1. jack parler Avatar
    jack parler

    Can you provide more information on this?

  2. Mr. Parler,

    I got a question from you today on my blog about the NAMS conference. The first conference was last February and the 2nd last October. I’ve been to both and have come away with knowledge, gold nuggets of information, JV partner relationships and a mastermind group. For me they are invaluable.

    The NAMS conference is for people interested in internet marketing. Obviously that’s three different kinds of people. The first group are the affiliate marketers who sell products by providing trackable, affiliate links. An example of this would be people who have Amazon ads on their blog, and perhaps Amazon ads blending into the content of their blog posts. These folks have an arrangement with Amazon that they’ll draw traffic to Amazon and then will get paid a percentage of what’s sold.

    The second group of people are Joint Venture marketers. These people are similar to affiliate marketers but on a grander scale. They tend to focus their energy and website attention on a major product and build a list and/or profit from the sale. A JV partner is great to seek out if you have a new product, but have no list to market the product too.

    I’d say the third group of people that benefit from NAMS are those with websites and an interest in driving more traffic in different ways to their website(s). Table tennis, gardening, wine, landscaping and many other niches were represented. This was likely the largest group of people there.

    The conference itself was broken up into three groups (beginner, advanced and intermediate). The beginner group ranged from folks who had no site, no experience and no discernible goals (me last February) to people who’d just launched their blog and needed to figure out how to market it. The most advanced group were people that had successful websites and were making full-time money from their internet activities. And then a mix of intermediate people in between. I drifted between the beginner class (because I really wanted to hear the speaker or the topic) to the advanced class (where I also spent some of the time.) Dividing the class into three groups was new to the 2nd NAMS and was an excellent idea.

    The sessions were divided into two parts each. The first part of each session was dedicated to education and the 2nd part of each session was dedicated to putting what you learned into practice. For example, there was a class in press release marketing where we learned about the different sites, style, how to craft the press release and what the results were depending on where you uploaded it. The second part of that session involved us writing a press release and submitting it. Can you believe that one of the class members made it to the first page of Google for the term “internet advertising” within 75 minutes?

    Other sessions included how to get to page one on Google (other than through SEO), how to put on a teleseminar, how to create a membership site, using Cagora and Ning, how to create an affiliate system for your website, article marketing, blog marketing, creating products to sell, creating and selling DVD’s and many other topics.

    The session runs from Friday Morning effectively through Sunday night (but there’s also a breakfast get together on Monday morning). I went to the first two and can’t envision missing one. The best part about NAMS is that the speakers aren’t allowed to pitch products during the presentations (or after). They’re asked to come and help educate the attendees. Obviously some of them do tell you they have products in their specific niche, but it’s not salesy nor is there time set-up to go “buy these things”. If you want to, you do it on your own accord.

    NAMS 3 speakers are an even better line-up than the first 2. I would seriously encourage you to come in January and learn what you can learn. I know of no better atmosphere to mastermind with people in the same boat as you for an entire weekend. The price of admission is fully refundable, which is fantastic. NAMS 1 sold out a week before it started, NAMS 2 sold out many weeks ahead and he’s already got over 75 people (and likely 100) signed up for NAMS 3. Definitely reserve a space for yourself.

    Go here for more information or write back with more questions!


  3. David perdew Avatar
    David perdew

    Dan –

    You know more about this workshop than I do! Nice job!

    See u at nams!

  4. I wouldn’t presume to know that, but appreciate your kind words. You’ve put together 2 fantastic summits for both budding and expert internet marketers.

    I’m not an expert yet, but feel like I make leaps and bounds during each NAMS event.

  5. jack parler Avatar
    jack parler

    There is obviously a lot to know about this.

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