I gotta tell ya, this blog comment magnet is the coolest tool I’ve seen in a long time. There are a lot of tools out there, and some of them are pretty ingenious. I love programs like Market Samurai and Traffic Geyser, and Firefox plug-ins like “Screen Capture Elite” and “Google Global”.
But seldom do I actually promote products. In fact, over the last 2 years I’ve only promoted 3 products. I did so for the P90X Beachbody folks for a while, but with all the informercials they didn’t really need any help. And then I’ve been a huge fan of GoBrevity (which you can read about here) and SiteBuildit. Those are two great services.
But then today I came across the Maxblogpress Subscribers Magnet, which for some reason I call the blog magnet tool. This is a WordPress plugin that does the work of 3 other things and also does a few things that nothing else can do. I’m going to list out a few things it does, but I really want you to go to their site and see the video.
Just seeing it is enough.
So, should you enable these things, here’s what it can do:
- Add an opt-in floating light box to your site – with a time delay if you want. (Also available in aWeber).
- Add an opt-in form to your sidebar (which is available free with WordPress Plugin)
- Add a “subscribe me” button to the comment form at the end of each blog post (not sure if that’s available elsewhere)
- AUTOMATICALLY fills in the name and e-mail address of your visitors when they arrive at the site. That means they only have to press the “subscribe button”.
- Add an opt-in box to the beginning or end of every post
- Add a floating footer bar at the bottom of screen with newsletter opt-in form embedded
- Silently subscribe anyone that leaves a comment on your blog. They’ll then automatically get a “thank you for leaving a comment” e-mail, along with the “confirm your subscription button.
- Fully customize everything – and it works with AWeber, 1shopping cart and most other opt-in box providers.
I’m not sure if that’s enough or not. The plug-in costs $147, but now you can finally have an e-mail capture strategy, design and tool. Truly an amazing tool – one I’m proud to help promote.
I urge you to check out this sales page of theirs: https://danmorrismarketing.com/blogmagnet – and see for yourself. If you’re a local business and you’re driving traffic to your website, this is the best hands off method to help capture that traffic.
Check it out . . . and take a look at their form below.
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