Social Media Famous: Is it the shoes?


[iframe style=”border:none” src=”” height=”100″ width=”380″ scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen]What a list today. . .Zappos, Smartshoes, NFL trackers, NBA and Twitter, Twitch (again), Reddit Live, Facebook drones, Hatchery, Shopfunder, Taigan, Xiaxue, Sione from Vine, Conrad Benner, Geekbox, Little Passports, Stitchfix, and more. All the tech, social media and blog headlines that Bloggers love, need and use everyday.



Conrad Benner Sione Kelepi

Mentioned Article:
Philly Blogger catches Rhianna’s eye

Blog: Streets Department
Twitter: @StreetsDept
Instagram: Conrad on Instagram

kiwi podcasters
Mentioned Article:
Vine Star in Video” target=”new”>Vine Star in Bass Video
Vine: Sione on Vine
YouTube: Sione on YouTube

[Tweet Sometimes “No” changes the world as seen by Brooke Birmingham & Rosa Parks via @amplifypodcast”]

Rise of culling sites – Taigan, Shopfunder

Reddit Live

Twitch streams live concerts

Audio tours of cities

Zappos meets “Miracle on 34th Street”

Social Media meets the NBA

Smart Shoe from India


[catlist name=video-and-image-marketing numberposts=3]


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