From: Dan and Rachel
Subject: This is it! This is the page you are looking for.
Thank you for grabbing this year's edition.
This is the page where you get access to the products, but please read this information FIRST before getting your products. We want to save you angst and questions. Thank you!
Now, each graphic below is the same as on the Sales Page . . . but on this page I made them links. So to take one of the courses, just click the graphic and you'll go to the place where you register.
That brings up the question "Why isn't it just a zip file with ebooks?" Well, as you know you didn't buy a bundle of Ebooks. Tracy Roberts is giving you a $37 Gift Certificate to her store. Justin Cunningham is giving you live stream access to his conference. Hernan Vasquez is giving you a year membership to his program.
The products aren't simple ebooks. They are varied.
Some products have shopping carts that will show $49.95 or $297 or whatever the price is. The coupon code is 20bcstack18 for each product. Enter it into the coupon code spot or password spot and you're good to go. (ok, there are two exceptions noted below)
Now, you have 60 days to go get/register/join these things. After that you get to keep them forever, but the experts need to be able to close these pages to prevent fraud. So you get till September 13th to grab each product.
If your computer crashes, you have to go to Fiji on a once-in-a-lifetime vacation, you get sick . . . you must still find a way do get them in the 60 day window.
If you have questions you can join the Free Weekly Mastermind Facebook group at https://facebook.com/groups/freeweeklymastermind or email me at thebcstack@gmail.com.
Finally, we are friendly and helpful. We already know something will go wrong. This is our 5th year. For instance we already know that Johann's (and a couple other's) shopping carts requires a credit card. We tried to make his system work without it. The price is $0 but we couldn't figure out how to make it work. So you have to put a credit card in. We're super sorry about that.
But make sure, no matter what, the shopping cart says $0. Don't buy anything. There is a coupon code for everything.
Something else will break, a couponcode will stop working. Something will go wrong. For all of you people who are thinking "if you think positive thoughts, you will have positive results". Well here's my answer to that. We will fix the problem. It isn't the end of the world. We'll do it politely, as quickly as we can and with much sincerity.
So have fun! There's a lot of cool stuff in here. I am glad you are here.
Sheri Prest-Herman of ColoristCafe.com made us a 2018 BC Stack Tracker to help you organize everything in the stack. What could be cooler than that?
Get Ready. Get Set. Go!
Wait. . . one last thing. If you have questions or want to talk "shop" you can join us at FreeWeeklyMastermind on Facebook
Case Studies Note: Make sure to press "apply on the coupon code" after you enter it. AND don't check out without the shopping cart saying "$0"
Lean Thinking Note: Make sure to confirm email
Chatbots Note: This is a one year free membership. Someone mentioned their confirmation email went to Spam. Check that.
High Return Note: I learned that Australians (and others) spell "enroll" with one l.
Physical Products Note: Look for a generic Ontraport email confirmation. This is going to be a live class (with recording). Matt hasn't finalized the date, but will send an email to those who registered.
this one is fixed
Book into Course Notes: This is "live training" that starts July 24th. Register for it.
Membership Notes: Make sure to validate coupon.
Ultimate Guide Notes: Registration asks for a coupon code and social numbers, but neither is required.
Photography Notes: FIXED. You have to "grab the pro version" And then in tiny print in the middle left is the coupon code button.
GDPR Notes: There's a couple steps here. Coupon code validates fine . . then it comes by email.
Business Bundle Notes: This is a blank download page, no real branding to it . .. but you get the stuff almost immediately to your email.
Client Attraction Notes: You go straight to the checkout page, no landing page.
Passive Income Note: Product is on top left in small print after you register. Read the top left
Freelancer Notes: Here you're going to register for a regular Freeeup.com account like everyone else. Then when you want to hire a Freelancer, enter the 20bcstack18 code and $50 will be credited to your account.
Converting Media Notes: Make sure to enter in coupon code
Social Media Notes: Enter coupon code after you register
Segment Your Audience Notes: No coupon code needed.
For the scripting and storyboarding product,, it is the second email that you receive from "Learn Camtasia Admin" with the subject line "Here's Your Storyboarding Video" that has the video from BC Stack
$37 GC Notes: Code is 2018STACKER
Blog Plan Notes: The course comes via email after you register.
Shameless Plug (by us). .
Michael Schultz is our web guy, html guy, "site got hacked" guy, "can you make it do this" guy, "infusionsoft" guy, membership software guy, plugin guy . . . he's our guy.
If you need a guy/gal (there's no real unisex way to say that), we 100% stand behind Mike. Email him if you need work done and tell him BC Stack sent ya. :) michael@apexrush.com
There is no product overlap. If you purchased any of the previous year's Stacks, you won't be getting any duplicates this year.
After you press the purchase button, you'll be sent an email with a link to the products page. That's where you get access to the products. It's virtually instant.
There are no coupon codes or discounts out there, however, affiliates make a 50% commission and just about everyone makes their money back by sharing it (many make thousands).
How do I become an affiliate and make a commission for sales?
We would love it if you wanted to help share it. There is so much good stuff in here and we can't reach everyone who needs it on our own. Sign up at https://bloggingconcentrated.com/members/aff/signup or end an email to thebcstack@gmail.com and we'll get back to you almost immediately.
Why is it $37? It seems too good to be true.
The whole idea of the Stack is to introduce you to new experts and introduce them to you. For the experts this is a chance to get in front of thousands and thousands of people they couldn't get in front of otherwise. And since it is only one week, they are willing to provide their products to BC Stack just for the chance to meet you.
On the flip side, we can't reach the entire world on our own. So we ask you to help share it with your friends, audience and community AND we use the $37 to help pay you a 50% commission and bonuses. It's just a great project for everyone.
How does the buying process work?
When you click the BUY button, you'll be taken to the checkout page where you will be asked for your name, email and username info. Then you'll be taken to PayPal. There you can pay by PayPal or credit card. When you finish the transaction you have to press "Return to Merchant" button . . . that's an annoying step. Then you'll be taken to the downloads page. And you'll also get an email with the link.
How long do I have to access the products?
You'll have till September 13th, which is 60 days. But you get to keep them forever. On the downloads page, you'll see if any have other time limits. For instance a live stream ticket to a conference has a specific date. eBooks you download to your computer, eCourses come to your email. You just have to go get/download/register/sign-up in the next 60 days. After that you can take your time to consume them.
Which products will I receive?
You will receive access to all the products listed on the Sales Page. (And I'll send you some unannounced stuff via email). They are yours to grab until September 13th . . . you get to keep them forever. But you have 60 days to go get them. I send instructions via email.
How do I access and/or download the products in BC Stack?
Once you purchase Stack you will receive an email with a link to the downloads page. All instructions on how to access them are in the email and on the downloads page. Now, not all of these are downloads. A livestream pass to a conference is not a download, nor is access to a UDEMY course, or a software membership. So each product has a different redemption path. Some are downloads, others you register for, etc. . .
I do not have a PayPal Account? Is there another way to pay?
Yes!! The great thing about PayPal is you can make purchases there by credit card. Just below the login part is a link to use your credit card.
I do not have a downloads page link. What do I do?
Check your Spam and Junk folders first. Most of the time if they are lost, you'll find them there. Then wait at least 15 minutes after you purchase. I'm not really in charge of how long it takes your internet provider to deliver email. And then if those don't work, email me: thebcstack@gmail.com and I'll take care of it.
I can not download or access the products, what do I do?
Check your Spam and Junk folders first. Most of the time if they are lost, you'll find them there. Then wait at least 15 minutes after you purchase. I'm not really in charge of how long it takes your internet provider to deliver email. And then if those don't work, email me: thebcstack@gmail.com and I'll take care of it.
Can I purchase just part of BC Stack?
No, but you don't have to download them all. Plus our goal is to make sure every product has a retail value of at least $37. That way if you only use one thing, you still get a great deal.
Can I buy last year's Stack?
Sadly, no. We didn't set it up with the experts that way last year. . . that may be something we do in the future.
Can I purchase hard copies of the books and products?
Sure. We can do that. We can put things on DVD, thumb drive or CD. Just email us at thebcstack@gmail.com and we'll tell you how much that will cost. But most of the things aren't books . . they're tickets, software, webinars . . . that just can't be put on a disk.
How can I access my products on the iPad / Kindle / Phone or otherwise?
You should have no problem whatsoever. You may need to download a pdf reader . . if you don't have one. Otherwise, you shouldn't need anything special.
Can I share my BC Stack products with others?
Yes, we would love for you to share BC Stack. That's why we have an affiliate program. If you would like to make a commission for sharing, email me and I'll make that happen. thebcstack@gmail.com. Otherwise, we ask that you don't just send the products to others. The experts are doing this on good faith and are expecting you to operate the same way.
Do you offer refunds?
No, there are no refunds,. Once you purchase BC Stack you have full access to these products. We have the rule because you could buy the Stack, then download or register for everything, then ask for a refund. When I was a teen I worked at Blockbuster Video and remember people coming in telling me they didn't like the video they rented and asked for their money back. Those were good days.
None of these FAQ's answered my question or solved my problem.
Email us. We'll help. thebcstack@gmail.com
- Please remember to back up your files. We are unable to send you copies of the e-books that have been deleted or lost.
- Each of the e-books in BC Stack is copyrighted by the original author.
- Your purchase does not entitle you to share the files or upload them anywhere online where others can access them.
- Sharing e-books, videos and audios is theft and steals from the authors who work so hard to create these wonderful resources, so please make sure that you are respecting their copyrights (and you can always point others in the direction of their websites)
- Due to the limited time offer, Blogging Concentrated will not be offering refunds. However, they WILL make sure that you get what you’d paid for!
- Thank you.