Look at the sphere you control. Does your twitter share your messaging?
Look at the ones you have – do they scream “THIS IS WHAT I DO! This is where I’m an influencer”?
Want to build social network – pull in audience we want and filter who we don’t. Does your whole world say what you help with and your influence?
When you are most influential in a niche, no one can deny it. Make everything you do scream “I AM THE EXPERT IN THIS AREA!”
Go through each silo on your spreadsheet and see how well it is planned. Note what needs to happen to make each area of your site screamingly clear what it’s about.
If people can’t tell you have the site they need to solve their problems, how are we going to get followers? Likes? Pins? Tweets? Shares?
If you can’t tell from the surface, how is Google going to tell?
Supporting Knowledge
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Beyond IFTTT, there are some great ways to use automation in your Gmail. We did a great list of cool Gmail tools. |
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Per today’s lesson, don’t forget to check out IFTTT, Padgram, and User Name Check. |
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We’ve got to start thinking about what’s next for our sites. What are the next steps we need to be taking. |