How to prove your ideas will work

Got an idea you want to try, but you’re just not sure? How about an e-book you want to write? (or read why you shouldn’t write an ebook) How about trying to figure out what product or video to make or sell? Or even something simple like which photo to use on a post.

1. How to pick a photo for your blog post

So you make the green bean casserole, get the camera out, put the red linen underneath it, wait for the perfect sunlight. and shoot 26 pictures in 3 minutes. (It would have taken you 13 seconds, but that one crunchy onion didn’t look right). So which one do you use now? The landscape one? The portrait one? The one with the glistening green bean?

With Pinterest, you don’t really have to choose. Well it’s best that you slap one of the images on there temporarily while you figure it out. Take the rest of the images and load them up to Pinterest. Edit the link to go to your one post and see which one gets the most repins. Then replace the image in your post with the winner.

2. How to prove your video idea before filming it

There’s more video being uploaded to YouTube every hour than there is video in the Smithsonian. Which means if you have a good idea for a video, someone else probably already made one. Scour YouTube for something similar and look at the “likes”. Then right below the “likes” there’s a stat button. See if it caught on right away or if it took a while. Somewhere in the middle is validation that you have a good idea.

3. Presell a book, video, product. . . doesn’t matter

Before you even write the book, create the printable, schedule the webinar or build the class, pre-sell it! Ever see the option to buy a “Lord of the Rings DVD” before it even comes out? Yeah, that works. Not only can you gauge interest but you get paid to create the product.

4. Sell someone else’s

Got an idea for a product? Find someone else’s product and start selling that. Whether it’s an affiliate through clickbank or through Amazon, it doesn’t matter. If you can find evidence that your audience is buying someone else’s product from you, then wait no longer. Make it and replace the product in the exact sales funnel you had created for the first one.

5. Create your FAQ Page

Want to make sure you’re putting the right questions on your FAQ page? Well first of all scour all your emails for the topic and find out what people have been asking you to date. Then go to and and see what questions the general public is asking the general public. Scours those for themes and you’ll have the best FAQ page on the block.

6. People who bought this also bought. . .

Amazon has a pretty stout recommendation engine. Based on all the things people buy, Amazon is able to tell you what you might want to buy since you’re buying that. For example if your buying a Raw Foods Diet book, Amazon will suggest you might also like a Zyliss vegetable slicer. So look at all the things you promote and see what Amazon says people will also buy. Steal that knowledge and start recommending the related products as well.

If they’re going to give us the information, we might as well use it.

Dan R Morris is the founder of, a website dedicated to improving your revenue stream from online efforts. Dan is an infomercial producer, niche website owner, product developer, author and Mastermind leader. Dan actively encourages marketers to take that extra step so that “Hope” doesn’t become the marketing plan.


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