March 21st? |
Dan and Rachel, with Blogging Concentrated, believe bloggers make change in the world. We help companies get their products into the hands of consumers. We make people laugh. We make them cry. We bring awareness to causes and make people smarter. We entertain. We challenge. We bring people together. Our only goal is to help you retire, help you pay back your family for all the time they sacrifice while you blog, to help make tomorrow easier than today. Our goal is to help you define success so you can see it. We want to help you become the CEO, act like the CEO, think like the CEO and make money like a CEO. |
Dan R Morris spends everyday working with large companies and bloggers improving their income and business models. His client’s traffic range from 5,000 page views per month to 3,000,000 page views per month. Each and every one of those experiences gives insight into what works and what doesn’t.
Prior to that Dan spent years developing TV and radio infomercials to drive traffic to the web. He created web properties to support his TV and radio products and built communities around the products to support sales and create word of mouth earned media.
Dan co-authored Joel Comm’s book “So What Do You Do?”. He also authored the blog LettersFromDan which then became what is now known as Blogging Concentrated.
Rachel Marie Martin authors the internationally successful FindingJoy. As a blogger she grew my platform on Blogspot, kept it there for way too long, nervous about the migration, and then one day ripped the Band-aid off, moved the site and watched traffic triple. I learned quickly about hosting, viral posts, site management, delegating, and when to simply ride the wave and wait things out.
She also published her first book Dear Mom Letters in 2013 and is publishing two more books in the next 12 months. Sites like Huffington Post salivate at the chance to publish her articles as they all reach 10K likes on Facebook with some as much as 1,000,000 likes. Rachel is a master of social engagement and Facebook reach.
And the folks at AWeber are hosting us. Map at bottom.
9:00 a.m. | Start. . . but that’s when we really start. Networking, camaraderie, and set-up start at 8:30 if you’re so inclined. But at 9 we begin 20 hours of instruction in 8 hours of engagement. |
9:30 a.m. |
“Guardian Leadership: No other way to lead”Our entire day is built upon the concept of serving an audience by putting them first. Think of the people you trust in life, whose opinions you respect. We’ll show you how to be that for your community online |
10:15 a.m. |
“What does your audience really want?”No matter how small their words or phrases, all that we need to know about them is in their words and actions. Let’s learn how to find the products, blog posts and ideas they want and need. . |
11:00 a.m. | Short networking, snack, coffee break |
11:15 a.m. |
“Dissecting what your audience has in common with you”Between every person or company and its audience is a venn diagram of overlapping interests. How can we determine what beliefs to lead with. When your audience believes what you do, they will follow you forever. |
12:00 p.m. |
“The Laws of Persuasion are uncommonly normal”We all make decisions, take actions, open emails, click links for a reason. And these reasons are codified. If we know what helps someone take an action, we can use that to make them better, smarter, stronger, happier. |
12:45 p.m. | Lunch: We are a 100% gluten free conference and will provide a lunch everyone loves. We even make it easy for vegetarians. Imagine a taco bar with corn tortillas and the chicken separate from the veggies. Yummy |
1:30 p.m. |
“No more generic talk about the Power of Story”We’re not going to talk about injecting your own personal history into your marketing. You get that talk everywhere. But let’s break down the elements of a story that keep you watching TV shows, movies, reading books and clicking links. That should not be ignored. |
2:15 p.m. |
“Copywriting: The words that create engagement”Copywriting isn’t complicated. But attention to the words, phrases and geometry of great copy can change your level of engagement forever. We’ll talk about email campaigns, subject lines, blog post toics, tweets and more. |
3:00 p.m. | Snack Break: A little chocolate never hurt anyone. Except that for exception guy |
3:15 p.m. |
“Social Media Engagement Strategy”Likes, pins, shares, and tweets don’t happen by accident. We’ll show you “live” the strategies that create shares. The strategies that create comments. The strategies that create clicks. If Facebook has ever bothered you, you’ll see exactly how amazing engagement happens. |
4:00 p.m. |
“Every pixel should serve your audience”Custom sidebars and understanding your income can lead to an unbelievable on-page monetization and engagement strategy. DON’T OPTIMIZE your ads until you hear this talk. This alone will make you more than the price of admission. |
4:45 p.m. |
Fishbowl ReviewWe’ll take one person’s business and break it down for monetization, engagement and long-term business building. Get ready for awesome! |
Workshop Workbook | 8 Hrs of Training | Timely Lunch* | Yummy Snacks |
Laptop | Writing Instrument | Casual Clothes | Magic Frog |
$99 | $199 | $500 | Free! if you’ve got a full on beard. Contact us. |
*Blogging Concentrated is a 100% Gluten Free company. Don’t let that scare you gluten feasters. . . fajita taco bars with corn tortillas are gluten free, and apples, and popcorn and chocolate.
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