Open Letter to @LynnTerry (on Twitter)

Dear Lynn,

Having just spent a weekend at the (NAMS) Niche Affiliate Marketing Workshop with you this weekend, I came home with a new appreciation for your 13 years of internet experience.  I’m not sure if your open, kind-hearted nature is a result of your 13 years or just who you are, but I am  appreciative.

The business world, whether on-line or off-line, is full of successful people who are more than happy to tell you what made them successful. However, what they really tell you are the self-serving things that not only foster their continued success but endear their listeners to become followers, buyers of their books and clients of their services. Most successful people are more than willing to reinforce your opinion of their success.

I have found you to be quite the opposite.  I firmly subscribe to your belief that your competition is often your friend, your competition can be your ally and when you reinforce that people who work together will find more pathways to success. You spent an entire weekend of your life (and not the first I might add) helping what many would consider to be your future competition (in some niches). And you spent a weekend helping people who may never be able to help you. That’s true sincerity.

Not only were your experiences real and open and your lessons explained easily, but your actions and efforts continually proved that our success was at the heart of your deeds.  You remind me of the Bridge Builder in Will Dromgoole’s poem, and for that I am grateful.  While I single you out in this letter, you and the other experts at NAMS, lead by an example that I hope characterizes the world of Internet Marketing going forward.

I am proud to be a NAMS student and look forward to more NAMS events, and every passing encounter.

Best regards,

Dan Morris


  1. Lisa Marie Mary Avatar
    Lisa Marie Mary

    Omigosh, this is so sweet! What a wonderful open letter! Lynn really is a good person, she stands out in this arena, because of her ‘realness’ and I have more trust in her than I can say.

  2. Lynn Terry Avatar
    Lynn Terry

    You are so kind, Dan – thank you. I was really glad to see you back for NAMS-2 and was amazed at your progress in just 6 months since the first NAMS Workshop. I told several people (including Willie Crawford) to keep their eye on you… I have a feeling you’re really going places 😉

    As I was driving home from Atlanta yesterday, I finally had a chance to process the whole lot of random thoughts from the weekend event. Ironically you were one of the people I ‘tagged’ as not having had opportunity to spend enough time with. I meant to get time with you to do a couple of videos for your challenge! And while I was left thinking I’d let you down, here you post such a warm note of appreciation. Thank you.

    I look forward to following your blog, hanging out with you at upcoming events, and getting to know you better. You seem like a super cool guy – and yes, also like “competition”. Ha – that just means I have one more link partner, affiliate, guest blogger, blog to guest post on, etc, etc, etc. Bring it on! 😀


  3. Mark Mason Avatar
    Mark Mason

    Dan — you are right on the money with this post. Lynn is a gem. Thanks for giving her the credit that she is due.

  4. Loretta Avatar

    Well put indeed, Dan. This was a great weekend, so full of education and inspiration.

  5. Sheila Finkelstein Avatar
    Sheila Finkelstein

    It was so great meeting and interacting with you at NAMS. This acknowledgment of Lynn is also a testament to who you are.

    And, Lynn is one of my most favorite people in the Internet Marketing World and beyond. She is the epitome of generosity sharing her wealth of knowlege and experience and in caring for and supporting others.

  6. Michael Schultz Avatar
    Michael Schultz

    Dan, thanks for mirroring the thoughts of many people (including my own) in this post. You’re completely right!

    Lynn is one of the best individuals I know. She encourages, strengthens, improves and supports anyone that is willing to hang out with her – both online and off, in business or anything else.

    If anyone does not know who Lynn Terry is, you can learn more about her here:

    Thanks for the awesome post Dan!

  7. Tawnya Sutherland Avatar
    Tawnya Sutherland

    HEAR HEAR! Lynn, you give so much to your peers and thanks 😉 And after meeting you Dan, I see you exactly the same. Always sharing and putting your time out there for others to pick your brains…thanks to you too 😉

  8. Tawnya Sutherland Avatar
    Tawnya Sutherland

    I almost forgot…you need to get your NEW lil girl up in your header now…cause you know that GIRLZ RULE and her bros are gonna find that out very soon when she grows up! 😉

  9. Judy Kelly Avatar
    Judy Kelly

    You are absolutely correct in everything you said about Lynn in your open letter post. I knew before I even got to NAMS (from the pre-NAMS webinar she did with David) that she would be the one I wanted to hear from the most. She over delivered and with such caring and sincerity that I know everyone feels the same.

    Thank YOU also for being so generous with your time and videos to share after the fact. You and Lynn fly in the same balloon. (Oh, I lived in Albuquerque for a long time, hence the analogy.)

    Can’t wait to see everyone next time!

  10. First things first, I’m working on getting a picture of Millie in the header. Well, I’m working on a rotating header that changes randomly on visits.

    2ndly (can you say 2ndly?) My note to Lynn wasn’t intended to be a fishing expedition for nice comments from ya’ll (I put that in to acknowledge my TN home). You guys are all very sweet.

    Finally, I was happy to see my letter (the first letter on Letters From Dan, by the way) was bolstered by the thoughts of so many others. I look forward to joining her Elite program someday soon.

    Thanks for all the notes.

  11. Lynn Terry Avatar
    Lynn Terry

    Cool blog you have here Dan – I look forward to reading more now that I’ve found you!

    See you at lunch tomorrow 🙂

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