Friday of NAMS 4 was a great day, perhaps the best first day of a NAMS Conference (Niche Affiliate Marketing System). I believe the bugs that were present during NAMS 1 were not only ironed out, but smoothed over with grace. This year I got a chance to speak in front of the group, but that didn’t prevent me from learning.
As you know, each Friday I send out my “notes” from my various activities during the week. If you don’t get my weekly notes, this is the kind of thing you’re missing:
I didn’t expect to learn much in the Social Media 101 for Beginners that Jeff Herring and Maritz Parra put on, but I attended it because I also don’t doubt their deep expertise. And that doubt proved fruitful – I came away with a page of notes.
Did you know that you can get your tweet feeds via SMS to your cell phone? Yep, Jeff and Maritza said if you send a text to 40404 with the message follow@yourtwittername, you’ll get the tweets to your phone. That is awesome for small businesses. Imagine setting up a twitter account just to send out a weekly coupon, and then telling your customers to send that text so they can get the coupons. Very cool.
I also loved a couple of the cross-marketing strategies that they do with their social marketing profiles. Not only do they put the “follow me on Facebook” button on their profile pages, backgrounds and images, but Jeff even has a video on YouTube with Facebook showing on a computer behind him. Check back soon, that discussion made me realize I need to go back and rebrand all my pages. Good stuff.
Those were just a couple of the nuggets. Make sure you sign up for my Notes, I’ll make sure you get all the good stuff from my NAMS experience.
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