Ignite Nashville 2010- My World Domination Presentation

So you may have caught my blog post earlier this week about the formula for world domination. If you didn’t, then scroll down a bit – it’s down there. I had so much fun thinking about it, I decided to turn it into my Ignite Nashville presentation. So here’s my “test” run-through to make sure I understood what to say in each slide.

If you didn’t make Ignite Nashville this spring, check out BarCamp Nashville in the fall! Lots of fun. And to see the live performance, check out the Ignite Nashville website.


  1. Very nice analogies, Dan. You kept me listening to the end. Move the love. I really like that perspective.

  2. This is ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT, Dan!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I LOVE IT!

    Now that i know you know how to create this kind of video, you know i’m going to request that you teach us at the Free Mastermind Weekly calls, right?! Muhahahaha! ๐Ÿ˜‰


  3. Thanks for the kudos, guys. When I saw who they picked to be the next Bachelorette, something just clicked. It became very clear that they use this formula – and it’s powerful.

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