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iChat, uChat, We All Chat


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In today’s show we talk about WeChat, SnapChat, iBlog Magazine, LikeGating, John Loomer, Mark Hamill, Nathan Hamill, Nerdist, Estelle Lalonde, Blogosphere Magazine and more.

All the tech, social media and blog headlines that Bloggers love, need and use everyday.


Nathan Hamill Tyler Oakley
Nathan Hamill
Mentioned Article:
Mark Hamill
Twitter: @NathanHamill
Instagram: Nathan Hamill’s Photos
Tyler oakley
Mentioned Article:
Teen Choice Awards – youTube and Vine Stars win
YouTube: Tyler Oakley
Twitter: @TylerOakley
Instagram: Tyler Oakley

[Tweet “There is no Should -@Danrmorris”]

Like Gating Article Jon Loomer

Nathan Hamill

Nerdist – MultiChannel marketing

Groupon is on Snapchat

WeChat 438 Million users

YO Update


Listen to the latest from the Amplify Podcast

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