How To Drive Traffic – A Twitter Clinic

I posted this Twitter Clinic on Twitter at 10:13 May, 12th. Please follow me to see more Twitter Clinic’s live:

So tonite’s Twitter Clinic is on traffic generation to your site. I’m not an expert (though who is) but I definitely get it.

So who do you want coming to your site/blog/facebook page? That’s the first step. You’re likely to have keywords. Write them down.

Write your main keyword down and put it in the middle of your page. Let’s say “gardening” – now let’s build some spokes.

“Gardening” is not only going to be your main keyword, but also represent your main site, the one focused on gardening.

Now your main site could be Twitter, and you’re just attracting garderners to talk with, or it could be squidoo or a blog – whatever.

Whatever it is, that’s the center of the page which we’ll represent with the keyword ‘gardening’. Do your homework to figure out that word.

Now who wants to talk gardening? farmers? retired women? health nuts? garden magazine subscribers – get the point?

Write those words on the page around Gardening and connect them to gardening with lines, like spokes on a wheel.

Now think of three related words for each spoke. For ‘home gardeners’, maybe raised beds, potted flowers, home grown vegetables.

Once you’ve done that you’ve created your traffic generation map. Now what do we do with it? (this is the traffic generation clinic)

#1 Go to Twollo and enter all those words into the keyword tool and start tracking people talking about those topics.

#2 Start a Facebook group about one of those specific words, like “I Love My Home Grown Vegetables”

#3 Set-up a Squidooo page about how to build a raised bed in your backyard.

#4 Go to Stumbleupon and try to find every website on the net that has to do with gardening.Rate them all and invite Stumblers to be friends.

#5 go to and write articles about these specific keywords.

#6 get a google alerts account account and start commenting on relevant blogs that you’re alerted to.

#7, #8, #9. . . . think of more ways to exploit these words. YouTube,, Digg, MySpace, etc. BUT THE KEY IS. . .

In each one, you must provide a link to your main ‘gardening’ site. Not only provide, but INVITE the person to come to your site.

If 5 people per day come to the sites I’ve just mentioned on your spoke, you’ll have 100 people/day – and that’s a slow day.

What if 20 people came, 40? 100? Remember this is targeted traffic. They didn’t get to your site without first going to a spoke site AND

then to your site. That means that after 2 links they’re still interested in your content. That’s a targeted lead.

There’s no tricks here – just work. It’s logical, simple and very very effective. This has been the traffic generation clinic on Twitter.


  1. How To Drive Traffic – Twitter and SEO…

    You can use the Twitter search engine to optimize your Twitter audience, thus interacting with a better target mix….

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