
    Is your site a mirror for what you want to be?
    Is your site relevant to the visitor for that topic?
    Do they feel like they are at “home”?

    Take your goal and look at your website. Pretend you are your target market. After reading the post…. now what?

    What should they be able to do?
    What should they be able to see?

    Is it clear where you’re taking them?


    Mapping day is really fun. Time to look at your site from a new angle. As we said in the beginning, you don’t have to SEO everything. But we don’t know what to SEO until we know what we’re doing.

Supporting Knowledge

blog If you care to go a bit more in depth, we can talk about how to build a web business. . . the strategy of it.
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Video Is SEO Important as it relates to the buying process?
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