Getting Site Sponsors


Holy Moly! I could not believe what I was seeing and hearing  at the “how do get corporate sponsors” session at BlogWorld. I was amazed, astounded and somewhat stupified by the level of expertise I was hearing.

So the speakers on the panel were agents at an agency that represented big companies like Pepsi, Johnson & Johnson and Nabisco. And they were quite clear in what they look for when they’re looking to partner with bloggers and site owners.

To start with they use lots of tools when analyzing bloggers. Tools like, Radian6, wordle, Klout and their own analysis. They really go to great lengths to determine the extent of the bloggers influence.

For instance with Twitter they look at your Tweets and put them through Wordle to see what you tweet about most often. They look for competitor brand names, bad language and poor trends.

Then they look at your retweets and how much influence those people have.

They look at all your social profiles to see what kind of engagement you have and where you return in the search engines.

They look at your complete reach in different mediums like audio, video, text, blog posts and more. Engagement on your site, your Facebook page, your guest posts.

And sometimes they find you just because you’re already a fan.

So if you want to be ripe for corporate sponsorship, get your influence going and start talking about all the right things, now.