Video is powerful. Did you know that people watch more internet video these days than they do television? Did you know that Google indexed video as it does everything else and will place it on the first page of results ?Did you also know that 95% of people watch internet videos to the end? They don’t stop in the middle.
That says 1 thing quite clearly – video is powerful!
So, why not use that to your advantage? If you’re a small business, why not have a contest challenging your customers to make great videos about your company and putting them on YouTube. Tell them what the title needs to be (like Nashville’s Best Pizza) and let them know if you can find it, you’ll judge it and award the winning video a free pizza or Cadillac or something. . . Make it valuable and your customers could very well start marketing your business for you.
To make it even sweeter, if you use WordPress (or could build a site using it), you could display all the videos in the same place using the TubePress plugin. All it requires is that you log-in to YouTube, add all the videos you’d like to a playlist, then tell TubePress the playlist ID. That’s it. It will create a page with all the videos on it – no code necessary.
Consider that! It’s a great way to get some marketing help from your customers.
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