Have you met my folks? They run https://front-porch-ideas-and-more.com and they’re not even Geeks. My dad didn’t have any real internet or marketing expertise before starting it. And my mom, well we call her “smartest +1”. . .
Anyway, they built this great business that generates revenue from organic traffic clicking online Adsense ads. They also have a couple ebooks, some direct advertisers and some list building.
What they don’t have are dates or ties that really bind them to their site. They don’t have clients, deadlines, membership programs, forums, speaking engagements or really anything that ties them down every week.
They really do make the rest of us look like slackers. A site that generates revenue on “autopilot” and doesn’t require day-to-day blog posts, meetings or work is pretty much what we all dream about.
(Now they still work on it everyday, but it’s their passion)
Anyway, this week a client told me she wanted to give up on part of her site and use her knowledge to start a magazine. A real life paper magazine. A dream is one thing. . . but what does embarking on that kind of activity do? To start:
1. It really increases your stature in the community.
2. It’s a new way to engage with your online audience.
3. It’s likely a new revenue source
But guess what else it comes with. . . it’s the exact opposite of passive income. It’s hands on deadline driven work. . . work . . . work. It’s stress, design, late nights, money and a new learning curve.
Anyway I suggested she find a magazine in her niche and become a writer for them instead. Still accomplishing #1 and #2 above, but without a bunch of the hassle. And since articles can be written ahead of time, she can protect her time as well.
The next time you think about starting a new ultra-cool project, think about what the long term implications of that really are. Does it move you to that goal of passive income? Does it help you to stop trading time for money? And what will you be neglecting to start the venture? Family?
If you’ve already figured that out that this idea of yours is what you’re destined to be doing- don’t let me shoot you down. Own it. Rock it and let me know how I can help you promote it. Just know both the good and the bad before you move forward.
For more on niche internet marketing click here.