Christian Bale foils the Smart Watch


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All the tech, social media and blog headlines that Bloggers love, need and use everyday. Today we’re talking about Twitter, Batman, email, Radio Shack, the fax machine and more



Rikki Poynter Jon Cozart

Mentioned Article:
Rikki Poynter Gets Real

Blog: Rikki Poynter Makeup
Twitter: @RikkiPoynter
Vlog: Rikki on YouTube


Mentioned Article:
Jon Cozart creates new YouTube Channel

New Vlog: PaintChips on YouTube
Twitter: @JonCozart
Old Vlog: Paint on YouTube

[Tweet “Get ready for iStageCoach from the nostalgic crew at Apple that brought you the iwatch”]

Episode 8 – Top 10 Things Going away in 5 years

10. email
9. Amplify Podcast
8. Smart Watches
7. Managing Social Media in 10 tabs
6. DVD’s, mp3 players, fax machines, etc. . .
5. death
4. 140 characters
3. radio shack
2. social media manager
1. facebook

Death of Radio Shack

Radio Shack Teams Up With PCH International To Create A Retail Pipeline For Hardware Startups

5 Social Media Jobs going away in 5 years


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