Category: Package your Knowledge

  • TrustedNerd gets Google Glass

    [iframe style=”border:none” src=”” height=”100″ width=”380″ scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen] On today’s episode we talk about Jonathan Yaniv, Cassey Ho, Ben Bernanke, Leonard Maltin, YouTube 360, Connor Franta, Blood Oximeters, BuzzFeed, GrowConference, CES, Google Ads. All the tech, social media and blog headlines that Bloggers love, need and use everyday. Listen to the latest…

  • AOL Owns What

    AOL Owns What

    Listen to the latest from the Amplify Podcast [iframe style=”border:none” src=”” height=”100″ width=”380″ scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen]Today we talk about Twitter turning 9, Yahoo turns 20, AOL owns a bunch of sites, Huffington Post, AtariFit, Launcher, Gigaom, Friendfeed, Internet Explorer Dies, Blonde Salad, Sally LePage, TechCrunch and Mapquest. All the tech, social media…

  • Teleseminar Anatomy

    I got an e-mail this week from a client who’d received an “advice request” on her blog. The reader explained their situation and just wanted to know what my client would suggest she do. Well, that’s the perfect scenario for a group coaching call – or teleseminar. Not only does my client now have the…

  • Automated Marketing Efforts

    You’ve heard about automating your marketing efforts, I’m sure. Have you thought about teleseminars? I’ve always associated them with office training calls for some reason, but seem to be on a lot of them lately. The fact is webinars and teleseminars are about the coolest marketing strategy in a long time. And the thing is…

  • How to prove your ideas will work

    Got an idea you want to try, but you’re just not sure? How about an e-book you want to write? (or read why you shouldn’t write an ebook) How about trying to figure out what product or video to make or sell? Or even something simple like which photo to use on a post.

  • Automating Marketing: Teleseminars

    You’ve heard about teleseminars and webinars, I’m sure. I’ve always associated them with office training calls for some reason, but I seem to be on a lot of them lately. The fact is webinars and teleseminars are about the coolest marketing trend in a long time. And the thing is –  the word teleseminar (or…