Category: BC Money
How to do a Warrior Forum WSO
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Adding URL’s to Adsense
One of our goals is learning how to use data and your resources to become a better, smarter business owner. Knowing which pages make you money is part of that process. You can’t do that without adding your URL’s into Adsense. This short video explains how. (The URL’s are now under tab behavior. Analytics change…
How to Monetize Youtube with External Links
YouTube gives you one more way to monetize videos now by allowing external annotation links in the video itself. If you read our previous post on different ways to monetize YouTube, you previously had to be a YouTube partner to get external links in the videos. This doesn’t take the place of using the annotations…
Creating Passive Income – Janis Petit
We did a webinar with Janis Petit who is an expert at turning knowledge into products and creating passive income. She gives you lots of examples and methods for doing it. And she’s turned that knowledge into a scientific process / system she would love to share with you.
Optimizing the AdSense Dashboard
Adsense gives you lots of ways to track, compare, contrast and test ad locations on your site. All you have to do is spend a few minutes setting it up properly in the beginning. . . that’s it. Then it’s just a matter of sorting the performance reports different ways. This video will show you…
All About Shopping Carts
When it comes to selling stuff online most people use Paypal. But is that the best solution for you? In this webinar we cover many of the popular Shopping Cart programs.
Affiliate Marketing – How to do it
Learn about using Affiliate marketing as an additional revenue stream…
Improving your website conversions
Sue Painter, of talks about how to improve your overall conversion rates on your website. This great audio covers topics like A/B testing, messaging, and determining what you want people to do on your webpages. Great stuff!