Category: BC Money
Let’s talk about Monetization
Thinking about monetizing your blog? Many assume ads and sponsorships are the only way to do it. When we were at the Entertainment New Media Conference we gave a little talk on how can we look at monetization a different way. This is that talk. [s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket=”BloggingConcentrated” track=” ENMN Conference.m4v” aspect=”16:9″ autoplay=”false” download=”false”/]
Making $2,000/month from your site
We did a talk for the VANetworking Group this last week on how to make $2,000/month from your site. I think you’ll find it valuable for your thought processes. [s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket=”BloggingConcentrated” track=”2000dollarspermonth.mp4″ cloudfront=”” autoplay=”false” download=”false”/]
Monetizing the Ladder of Value
[s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket=”BloggingConcentrated” track=”LadderOfValue.mp4″ cloudfront=”” autoplay=”false” download=”false”/]
How to Add an Amazon A-Store to your Site
An Amazon a-Store is not problem to add to your site. If you’ve got a niche specific-site where people are coming for a specific reason, an a-Store might be just what the Dr. Ordered. How to Add an Amazon a-Store to your site
Different Ways to offer Sponsored Videos
[s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket=”BloggingConcentrated” track=”VideoSponsorship.mp4″ cloudfront=”” autoplay=”false” share=”false” download=”false”/]
Make Money Selling Stuff at Home on Amazon
Sometimes you just don’t need to be working. [s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket=”BloggingConcentrated” track=”amazon-sales.mp4″ cloudfront=”” autoplay=”false” share=”false” download=”false”/]
Why Adsense at All?
[s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket=”BloggingConcentrated” track=”adsense-why.mp4″ cloudfront=”” autoplay=”false” share=”false” download=”false”/]