Capt Kirk’s got a real log. . . or blog?


[iframe style=”border:none” src=”” height=”100″ width=”380″ scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen]On today’s show we talk about William Shatner’s blogging ability, digital wearables, Macbook stickers, Applebees Instagram account, MTV’s new social media music countdown, Yahoo Death, theSkimm, El Mayimbe and Jun Group. Social media headlines worth blogging about.



El Mayimbe William Shatner

Mentioned Article:
El Mayimbe

Blog: Latino Review
Twitter: @ElMayimbe
Instagram: Umberto Gonzalez on Instagram

william shatner
Mentioned Article:
William Shatner blogs
Blog: William Shatner on Tumblr
Twitter: @WilliamShatner

[Tweet Sometimes “No” changes the world as seen by Brooke Birmingham & Rosa Parks via @amplifypodcast”]

Macbook Air stickers

779,000 photos tagged with #Applebees on Instagram.

First wearable technology

MTV new music chart

Yahoo Japan

Jun Group is moving people away from Facebook

The Skimm

The Skimm


[catlist name=productivity numberposts=3]


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