When: October 20th, 9 am – 5 pm
Where: Our buddy Ricky Shetty of DaddyBlogger hooked us up with:
Olympic Village
80 Walter Hardwick Avenue
Vancouver, BC
Class size: 30 – 35 experienced bloggers
Which Curriculum: At this crazy quick impromptu one-day event we’re going be covering the BC Circles Sequoia.
Workshop Leaders: Rachel Martin of FindingJoy.net, Dan R Morris of Blogging Concentrated will be presenting the curriculum and leading the discussion. We’re going to have Ricky Shetty add his knowledge to the conversation.
What’s included: 8 hours of advanced Blogging Education, lunch, drinks and snacks both days, and post-event How-to-screen capture videos of all our discussed topics so you don’t have to wonder “now how do I do that?”(And we’ll find a place to hang out and chill Monday night)
Prerequistes While we appreciate new bloggers, the workshops are not designed to help you load up WordPress, explain what plugins are, or help you understand the difference between fan pages and groups on Facebook. We have plenty of resources for new bloggers, but ask that only experienced bloggers attend the workshops. That means we expect you’ve written blog posts, understand affiliate links, have followers in social media and know your way around the internet.
So join us! It’s going to be a fantastic time!