The Mission of Audience Industries is to create meaningful theater experiences that equip and entertain motivated people and business owners with the necessary tools to be relevant and successful in the digital market. We offer a host of great events covering a wide variety of business, motivation and entrepreneurial topics to meet different size audiences.

We’ve developed a four event strategy (Pull, Sequoia, Circles, Leverage). Through the use of practical, hands-on examples, strategic marketing plans and in-depth discussions, our events are designed to improve create smiles, increase income, and make the audience smarter.



Audience size: LARGE
Event Length: 3 Hours

At this large audience event, we teach your audience amazing stories about successful businesses and start-ups that will knock their socks off. They’ll be amazed, inspired and reinvigorated with what’s possible for today’s businesses.

How does a pizza place make it big with memberships? How does a body builder sell $100K/month in ebooks? Learn how a youth minister makes $30K/month sending out one email per week.

Learn the difference between the Start-ups that make it, and the ones that make it BIG.


Audience size: 50 – 150
Event Length: 8 Hours

Sequoia embraces the concept of pushing one’s self and website beyond perceived roadblocks to growth and success. Since everything should build upon itself to make tomorrow easier we dig deep into the business foundation to make sure everything is set up properly. We look at messaging purpose and congruence, explore the 80/20 rule, make sure the Adsense and YouTube structures produce actionable results, look at the viral elements of ebooks and much more.


Audience size: 35 -50
Event Length: 8 Hours

Circles focuses on the idea of the Venn Diagram effect, identifying the overlapping needs and desires of your audience and learning to match that with subject lines they’ll click, blog posts they’ll read, pin captions they’ll repin and products they’ll buy. There’s a deep focus on understanding copywriting better, learning what to email your audience and how to get them to come back to your site. This is a great class to really become better at connecting with your audience .


Audience size: 7
Event Length: 3 Days

Leverage is an exclusive 3-day retreat for 12 dedicated and driven business owners with a real desire to succeed. Blogging Concentrated Leverage is entirely focused on search engine optimization and integrating that knowledge into all aspects of every participant’s business. We spend 2 1/2 days combing through every part of SEO including purpose, need, technical aspects, analytics, measurement strategy and SEO ROI.