Benefits of Resveratrol – One Month

We made it to the One Month point and are now moving quite quickly.

I’ll start with the good stuff this time, since some of you thought I got too deeply into the article before presenting it last time.  We haven’t moved on Google yet – we still sit comfortably on page 2 for our main keyword Benefits of Resveratrol. But I’m OK with that.

We are on Page 1 for two other keywords, which I wasn’t anticipating right away. “Alcohol Early Pregnancy” and “Antioxidant Facts” both present listings in the top 5 on page 1. But where we’re at is only half the story.

Our traffic has increased from 35 / day in week one to 135/day today and it has grown every day. In the beginning I was driving most of the traffic with Twitter and Facebook, but now I’ve cut that to 10%.

The tail end of keywords is what is bringing in the traffic now. We were found in April by over 50 keywords on Google alone. I’m not sure where we came up in the listing, but 50+ keywords brought traffic in. Also we’ve loaded up 27 articles to and have seen around 1,600 views of those articles so far. Finally, we’ve added 12 – 15 pages of content to the site and today introduced the e-zine subscription form with free e-book giveaway.

In addition, we’ve got forum, blog and directory posts as well. Month one is in the can – month two should bring monetization of the site, collection of e-mail addresses and start of the e-zine, more articles – more traffic and the elusive #1 position.


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