Yep, We’re Doing It. The Workshop is Back!
This time we’re going to go over all the questions we’re constantly asked, like:
- How do you grow a Facebook Page to 700,000 without paying anything?
- How do you make a multi six figure revenue project every year?
- How do you get a Penguin RandomHouse Book deal?
- How do you get on the Today Show?
- How do you do over 100 in-person workshops without paying for venues?
- How do you leverage your biz to get keynote speeches?
- How do you get on over 100 podcasts as a guest?
- How do we do all that while raising 11 kids and homeschooling?
- And all of the questions you have about your business.
What: Creating Reliable, Recurring Income Online
Where: Wherever you have wifiWhen: July 17th 9 – 5
For one day and one day only we’re bringing our
Blogging Concentrated Workshop back.
Will you be there?
If you’re unsure if this is a good use of your money, please take a moment and read what others have experienced.
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