Dan Morris
Dan R Morris, the founder of Blogging Concentrated, has been working online since 2008 when he got involved with the marketing of an antioxidant nutritional supplement through web, radio and TV infomercials. His work offline in marketing, sales, project management, commercial real estate development, international business acquisition and as an online marketing consultant combine to make him a tremendous business mind.
He is considered a blog revenue coach and has worked with hundreds of web publishers on increasing their income. Dan runs several blogging mastermind groups, does one-on-one consulting with bloggers and has created a variety of products to make bloggers smarter.
His main goal is to teach bloggers who to create leverage in their business so they can grow and remain excited about blogging.
Dan speaks professionally nationwide at education-based blogging conferences, teaches brands how to work with bloggers, runs private mastermind groups, offers private consulting, proctors FreeWeeklyMastermind on Facebook, authors LettersFromDan.com, guest posts as often as he can and does the best he can to support his amazing wife and 4 kids. .
Rachel Martin
Rachel Martin, who you’ll see rarely sitting down at each event, is a partner of Blogging Concentrated and the writer behind the highly successful site FindingJoy.net. Over the past several years Rachel has built a site that averages millions of visitors a month, that boasts a robust community on facebook, and has used her voice to create a successful ebook campaign which has resulted in a physical book deal with Morgan James Publishing.
Rachel has spoken nationally at various events. She speaks on not only blogging, voice, and marketing, but also motherhood, Celiac Disease, and living an intentional joy-filled life. She’s been active in the blogging community, has worked with numerous brands from Fox Pictures, Disney, Oreck, Udi’s Gluten Free, Gatorade, and more, and has truly discovered the balance of working with brands while preserving messaging and branding.
She’s a featured writer for The Huffington Post as well as several magazine columns. Many article have been syndicated in newspapers across the county. Her articles have also been featured on Parents.com, WhattoExpect.com, Dr.Greene.com, iVillage Australia, SheKnows, Blogher, and more. In it all, Rachel strongly believes in living each day intentionally, capturing the power of the human spirit, and loves working with others to help cultivate and realize vision and potential.
Now that the customer is here, what do we do? How do we get them on our list. Why do we get them on our list? What do we do with them after that? How do we sell without being salesy? How do we generate revenue without being “the lady that’s always sending me offers”? How do we write content that resonates, engages and makes them want to come back?
How do turn these customers into fans and into cheerleaders? We’re going to spend the entire day perfecting that. When you go home at the end of the day you should have a strategy in place, emails written, an idea of where you’re going AND a product you can sell. . . immediately.

In each city our goal is to find a tech start-up who would love to host the event at their space. We’ve met in cool locations across the country – so if you’re looking for normal – this isn’t it. We’ve met at the headquarters of Ahalogy and will be meeting the headquarters of Swagbucks.
When we don’t find a tech startup, we do find cool, small companies. In Milwaukee we were in a coffee factory, in Atlanta and Anaheim a co-working space, in Seattle the conference facility of a car wash company, and in Asheville a christian retreat. Oh yeah, and no worries about the extras because at each site we’re providing snacks, lunch, beverages, and of course, that much needed wi-fi.
In Nashville we’re meeting at the All-American Pest Control Conference Facility, Again!