Audio Toolkit

Hey hey,

Today we’re talking about audio. How can we create it, edit it, use it, distribute it, sell it, drive traffic with it. Below are all the resources you’ll need if you’re looking at podcasting, selling webinars. . . anything that involves audio.  So let’s get started:
What to do with Audio: How can we use it in our business?
Audio ebook
audio cd
audio manuals
mp3 download
Recording 1 on 1 consulting
mini guide
Voice Overs
book reviews
live audio
book on cd
Strip audio from videos
audio FAQ’s
Title sequence to videos or podcastsEquipment:  You really only need a mic to get audio.

Blu Snowball Microphone ; This one is the best bang for your buck. Great great mic, relatively low price.

Live Interview Mic ; Much better quality mic than the Snowball but more importantly this one allows you to plugin a lapel mic so you can mic your subject on the spot.
Recording and Editing Software:

Software: GarageBand comes free on a Mac. No reason to look further. On a PC you’ve got Sony Vegas , Camtasia or Audacity. Any of these will work great (and Audacity happens to be free).
Gather Customer / Interview Audio:

Speakpipe  – Voicemail for the computer allowing your customers to click “leave an audio message” button on your website and communicate with you.

800 number services to .mp3 : Grasshopper, Call8 – You can set up a custom voicemail for your readers. , – 1-800 number services to give readers and opportunity to call support, leave testimonials, ask questions, etc. – Great telesminar or conference call service that records your calls and makes them instantly available in .mp3 format

Livescribe: This is a pen that records audio while you take notes. Great for classes and interviews.

Skype – There are a variety of Skype recorders on the market that will record both sides of a Skype conversation.


Hosting Audio: Just like websites, audio files need a home. One that is dedicated to the needs of audio is the best.




Audio Subscription Sites (these will be mentioned in the upcoming Podcast Toolkit too), Podbean,, Stitcher, Spreaker, iTunes, Audioboo, Jott, Trottr, Utterli, Soundcloud



Did you know that Feedburner has a podcaster feed?  It has extra tabs that the normal Feedburner RSS feed doesn’t have.



There are a variety of places you can get music for your audio needs whether that’s intro segments, closing sequences, YouTube. . . sometimes you just need music that won’t get you shut down.