Anonymous Social Media Giants


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All the tech, social media and blog headlines that Bloggers love, need and use everyday. On today’s call we talk about Dove Beauty, the meaning of Authentic, YouTuber’s traveling, Instagrammer’s banned, Google Now, Yahoo Aviate and more.



Ken Rutkowski Grace Helbig and Mamrie Hart

Mentioned Article:
First proclaimed podcaster says youth are moving to Whisper

Blog: Business Rockstars
Twitter: @KenRadio
YouTube: KenRadio on YouTube

Mentioned Article:
YouTubers take to the road

YouTube: HeyUSA on YouTube
Grace on Twitter: @gracehelbig
Mamrie on Twitter: @mametown
Movie: Camp Takota

[Tweet “Believeability and Originality are the foundation of blogs – Alvin Lim via @amplifypodcast”]

Secure Message App Wickr

Tipcast adds video to images. . . personal touch trend

Instagrammer gets account shut down with pic of girl

Blogger Beauty Project

Google Domains

Yahoo News

Yahoo Aviate like Google Now


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