Katie and Byrant’s Internet


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In today’s episdoe we talk about Obama on YouTube, Katie Couric and Bryant Gumbel’s internet awakening, the Australian Prime Minister goes Twitter fishing, Google predicts the internet’s demise, Bitcoin, Ben Pasternak, Curiyo, GabiFresh, TLC on Kickstarter and Eric Schmidt. . . all these social media headlines and more. 



Ben Pasternak Gabi Fresh

Mentioned Article:
15 Year Old App Developer from Australia

Twitter: Tweet Ben
Facebook: Ben on Facebook
iTunes: Ben’s App


Mentioned Article:
GabiFresh unveils new bikini line

Site: GabiFresh.com
Instagram: Gabi’s Pics
Twitter: Tweet Gabi

[Tweet “Believeability and Originality are the foundation of blogs – Alvin Lim via @amplifypodcast”]

Bryant Gumbel and Katie Couric’s Internet Questions

Obama on YouTube

Australia’s Foreign Minister and Twitter says “hey twitter, i lost an earring”

Google predicts internet demise

Coinbase Bitcoin Exchange

Curiyo raises money

TLC Rocks Kickstarter

AND some fine words from Dr. Seuss


[catlist name=blogging_ceo_decisions numberposts=3]


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