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Did you know that 4x as many people prefer to watch a video instead of reading about your product? And that we remember 10% of what we read but 50% of what we see and hear? Video is not the future of the web but the present, and if you’re not using it you’re behind.

In this online course you will learn how to get started with video with a focus on editing. You’ll learn how to work on a timeline, how to cut your footage, add titles and music, and polish the audio like a pro. And you can get started with your smartphone and the simple editing software that comes with your computer by default.

You’ll also learn:

  • What are the best formats for online video
  • How to manage tempo to keep the attention of the audience
  • How you can keep alignment with the emotion you want to communicate
  • How to be consistent with the brand identity
  • Where to get good library music for your videos
  • When and how can you use transitions
  • How you can make it all look professional and memorable