Help Me O Bean Burrito, You’re My Only Hope


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Today we talk about Snapchat’s Our Lives, Bonfyre, LiveBooth, JustSeen, Social Coaster, Sharypic, Snapreplay, Blockparty, hyperlapse, Twitter, Apple, Apple Cube, Redit, Emmy Blogger, Zoo with Roy. All the tech, social media and blog headlines that Bloggers love, need and use everyday.

All the tech, social media and blog headlines that Bloggers love, need and use everyday.

[Tweet “There’s a new Groundhog Day. But this time Bill Murray’s not in it.”]


Margot Channing, Brazil Anonymous Philly Blogger, PA

Mentioned Article:
At the Emmy’s

Blog: Entrenteimento
Twitter: James Cimino


Mentioned Article:
Roy Halladay goes to the Zoo

Blog: Zoo with Roy
Productss: Zoo with Roy Shirts


Tech Costumes

Wearables Fashion Week

GoPro in a rocket engine

Don’t blog

Online Anonymity

DragonCon  Project Secret Identity

Google’s Drones

Amazon’s Sponsored Links

Blogger sued over name

South Philly Podcast Festival


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