Seinfeld Shuts Down Facebook!


[iframe style=”border:none” src=”” height=”100″ width=”380″ scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen]On today’s show we talk about Seinfeld’s Reddit AMA and the Facebook shutdown, Russia’s restrictions on bloggers, the Killing campaign by Netflix, Google + Photo, the guy 3-d printing his house, Twitter hashtags, Adam Corolla, Kid president and the new vlogger CoverGirl All the tech, social media and blog headlines that Bloggers love, need and use everyday.



Ingrid Nilsen Adam Corolla

Mentioned Article:
Beauty Vlogger Covergirl

YouTube: Miss Glamorazzi
Twitter: @HeyIngridNilsen
Instagram: Ingrid on Instagram

Adam Corolla
Mentioned Article:
Adam Corolla’s Fighing Lawsuit

Podcast: AdamCorolla
Twitter: @AdamCorolla
YouTube: Corolla on YouTube

[Tweet “Believeability and Originality are the foundation of blogs – Alvin Lim via @amplifypodcast”]

Russia restricts blogger

Seinfeld AMA

Instagram Netflix

Google + Photos

3-D printing a house

Twitter explains hashtags

twitter buys madbits

Kid President


[catlist name=the-power-of-email numberposts=3]


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